St. Martin - The Wonferful Island (Part-2)

Way Of Teknaf to St. Martin's Island

We were not the only ones from Hotel NE TUANG, PARJATAN to St. Martin. There were many more like us. Everyone was heading towards the port of Teknaf.

So we had to get on the ship by pushing a huge crowd. There are two types of tickets available here. One is:

  1. Tourist, the other is: 2. Local.

Tourist fares are higher and local tickets are cheaper.

Our ship anchored and left for St. Martin at 9:17 a.m. (approximately).IMG_20190208_172112.jpg


The ship was advancing on the Naf River.

It was as if the ship was speeding towards the Bay of Bengal.

We boarded the ship "KEARY SINDBAD".

KEARY SINDBAD Ships with the most modern facilities here._MG_3353.jpg

However, from the deck of the ship we just stared in amazement at what a beautiful sight it was. When the ship reached the mouth of the river from the river. I witnessed an impossibly beautiful scene. Since it is the last part of the Naf River, I noticed an effect of sea water. Hills with two banks. Sometimes blue water somewhere, green water somewhere.

And mountains and jungle on both sides. I noticed that there is a Robi Sim tower in the middle of the mountain forest. So those who have Robi SIM in their mobile phone had better network. IMG_20190207_120926EFFECTS.jpg

This time our ship crossed the estuary and went to sea and this is the first time I am going far inland. Flying with us is Gangchil, also known as Conch Chill.

After sailing for half an hour, I saw that in the distance I could see light, fences and cut wire fences through the jungle. And sometimes Watch Tower. I was stunned to see what it is again in the middle of the sea !?

Then I opened Google Map and saw that we were going through the border of Myanmar. It started to feel very nice and cheerful. I smiled a lot thinking that I entered Myanmar (Burma) without any kind of passport and visa.

Make entry in Myanmar with no passport nor visa._MG_335001.jpeg

We started playing guitars, drums and our water bottles and singing. And I started to enjoy the time with all the joy I had.


White gannets were flying past our ship. The birds were very beautiful. And surprisingly, they were very brave. We bought chips and popcorn and threw them away and they flew away. IMG_20190209_172420.jpg

After playing for a while, I went to the stern of the ship. The ship was moving over the blue water of the sea at a speed of about 45-60 km / h (measured from Google map).

At a very fast pace. Sometimes this speed became more. And the birds were flying at that speed.

I have heard the saying "fishermen fish in the sea far from the coast" but today I saw it with my own eyes. Three or four fishermen are fishing in a fishing trawler (engine driven boat). I noticed a red flag and a white ball on their fishing nets._MG_3343.jpg


In this way, I took some candid photos of our senior sister while walking around the deck, roof and front and back of the ship for a long time, in the shops, in the dining room. IMG_3184.jpg

In the end, I noticed the change in the sea water. The blue water has a little green color. It means that we have come near to St. Martin Island. I saw a movie in small, "Name:দারুচিনি দ্বীপ (Cinnamon Island)."
The story of the movie about this St. Martin Island. I remembered a song of that movie.

The song was :

দূর দ্বীপ–বাসিনী,

চিনি তোমারে চিনি।

দারুচিনির দেশের তুমি বিদেশিনীগো, সুমন্দভাষিণী।

♬ Far island-dweller, I know you.

In the land of cinnamon, you are a foreigner, a kind speaker.♬

We went to see the endless green land of nature, the only coral island in Bangladesh - St. Martin.IMG_20190207_115059.jpg

The ship anchored at the jetty. The uproar started.IMG_20190207_110220.jpg


I got off the dock. We have about 150 people. So we waited in a guest house until everyone got down.
This is next to the wharf.
Later two hotels were fixed for us.
A Hotel "Hotel Sea Find Resort"
Another: "Blue Sea Eastern Resort"

Leaving the bags in the room, everyone went to eat and drink. A the meal was fab eaten.
Menu - rice, marine coral fish, pulses and rupachanda fish soup.
You can eat anything else if you want. And then a coffee for everyone.IMG_20190207_142822.jpg

After drinking coffee, my body became stronger. Now it was my turn to lie on the net and watch the sea.![IMG_20190207_145016.jpg](
The creation of the Creator is a combination of so many wonderful and beautiful colors. You must come to St. Martin to witness it.

The next part of St. Martin's tour - 3 is coming very soon. Keep an eye out.

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