🎵 Hive Open Mic 33 - “The Message of the Moon” (Original Song)

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, inviting creative expression and genuine connection.


I'm thankful for the half moon gracing our skies at night, approaching her fullness. I shared yesterday's Thanksgiving holiday with my family, even though my former companion and I are separated. We hold love and respect for each other, so it felt natural for us all to be together for Thanksgiving day.

Kate hosted the festivities at her wonderful country home, where she had a gentle fire smoking lightly all through the day and night. The fire was a constant comforting presence and I sat beside her many times throughout my time there, reconnecting to my source energy, bringing songs and silence.

Our mutual friends Shelly and Chelsea were with us. We enjoyed some rich conversations, often going deep, always with positive vibrations. At the moment when we all sat down at the outdoor dinner table I just had to take a moment and soak in the beauty, cherishing the perfect weather, the beautiful natural surroundings, the adorable children... I cherish this preciousness.

The song I'm sharing here is one I introduced two years ago for the Steemit Open Mic - Week 104, joined by @wildfamily. I'm flying solo now, so it's a different delivery for a different time in my life journey. The song still feels meaningful to me, especially when I offer it to the kids at bedtime.

“The Message of the Moon”

A song about the divine feminine connection

The message of the moon
Remember your mother loves you.
She pacifies her children
Steady and calm with motherly love.

The message of the moon
Remember your mother shines for you.
She holds the light in the dark of night
Staying aglow for everyone.

The message of the moon
Remember you are your mother’s child.
She teaches you to be
A mirror of the divine light.




Hive Open Mic - Week 33 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Moonrise.” We introduce new themes every Sunday, encouraging us to share a common ground with the community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event! Look and listen for the highlights to be released on Tuesday.

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About Me

I am a star child, making movies with Arise and music with Butterflies. My work includes films: Voices of the Grandmothers, Wild Family... books: Brave Spirit, Be Well Bee, WYLD, Big Idea Patterns... and songs: Brave Spirit, Home, Colors Flying... My greatest achievement is my role as a rad daddy to three incredible kids.

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