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It's been a weird year so far for us, we had to celebrate our 30th anniversary in lockdown and now it's Koz's birthday. I would love to do something special for the day but we still have a lot of restrictions in place and almost every restaurant in town is closed.
So today Koz took the day off from teaching diving and for something to do we decided to take a dunk in the ocean, just the two of us, which is a rare treat.
With the prospect of having to return to the UK in the near future we are trying to make the most of what time we have left here.

Happy birthday honey.


So lets get our gear sorted and get wet,we will be entering the water from the shore. On the map our dive site is called Sardines or house reef.

Dive map.

Ready to dive.

Gonna need some of these.

And as always my camera.

Right all set up, lets get in the water and see what we can find, last time I forgot to put the battery in my camera and we saw a Whale shark. Of course now i'm all charged and ready we won't see one but there's always plenty of small stuff.

cool sea slug.

Nemo is always there.

White eyed moray eel.

More slugs called Nudibranch.

Not a bad start to the dive, no sharks but plenty of nice stuff and really enjoying being down here with just the wife. Then I spotted a cool soft coral that close up looked like a flower, so I snapped a picture to give it to Koz.

For the wife.

Squat shrimp

Box fish.

Pipe fish.

Cardinal fish.

We had a great dive and this is just a glimpse of what we spotted, more than the dive spending a bit of us time together is more the purpose of today. Later we will be joining @iamyohann and @discoveringarni for some food and drinks. Tonight I will be taking it easy on the booze as two nights back myself and Yohann consumed way too much and I left in a awful condition.
So to finish the day here and start the evening off I shall leave you with a sunset.

Perfect end to the day.

Thanks for dropping by to share in Koz's special day, final word for the woman in my life, love you long time and look forward to the rest of my days with you.