Taking A Step Back - Art Inspired By Travel - Thames Street at Fell's Point


I Am Taking A Step Back In Time Today ..

I was looking through a bunch of paintings this past weekend as I was doing a little cleaning around the office. I usually hold off tidying up my home office/art studio until the holidays loom closer. I'm never sure if we are going to have any guest that need to stay in that room during Christmas, or if someone will be going on a tour of the house during their visit.. So I better clean up a little.


The whole cleaning thing turned into a viewing session for me. I have the paintings stacked or piled here and there. A few on the shelves, some in the corner and then more of them in the closet. Empty frames also sit leaning against my desk and easel.



I wrote a post once called the 'The Hobby Artists Paradox'. This wasn't supposed to be the topic of today's post, so I am not going to go down that long road. I will however, share this excerpt from the post.

Why can't I seem to part with the majority my works? ...

First one (best case scenario) is that I have a problem separating with my work; an emotional attachment of sorts. Second one is that there is a lack of quality resources and outlets for listing and selling my pieces. An out let for the hobbyist who has little time available to devote to maintaining an online storefront. Third case scenario (worst case scenario) is that my work sucks and no one would want it anyhow. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the root of my problem is a combination of scenarios one and two.

Fell's Point ..

That bit aside, I was sorting through a few of my works and happened upon one done in watercolor of, depicting an area of Baltimore called Fells Point. There, the streets are built of cobblestone and lined with boutique shops, restaurants and bars. Named after a shipbuilder, William Fell, who settled there in 1726, these neighborhoods were once known for the three B's .. Bars, Brothels, and Boarding Houses. Today, one can find some of the best seafood restaurants and unique storefronts Baltimore has to offer.

This is a nice shot from out in the bay looking toward the harbor of Fells Point. If you look to the right hand side, just under the tallest of buildings, you'll see a light greenish/blue building. The road where these brick buildings lie, is called Thames Street.

Most of the buildings are original to the area, and like I said above, date back to the early 1700's. It's a cute area to just stroll around, even if your not interested in shopping. I took a lot of photos of the area the last time we were there, but that was on film. I would share them, but not sure where the prints are at this point. So.. I just grabbed one off of Google Earth for you

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[source - Google Earth]

This is looking down the cobblestone Thames Street at the corner of S Broadway. The trolley system is gone, but some of the tracks still remain. The contrast between the metal rails and the smooth cobble make for neat pictures. I am also drawn to the simple, colonial style lamps that line the streets. They used to burn gas in them so they would have a flame for the light source, but it's been some time since we have been here.. so I am not sure what they use now.


Inspiration For Art ..

It was sad, but I immediately felt disappointing in the state of things lately. It sounded like a fun little trip to take, now that the shops and streets are most certifiably decorated for Christmas. With new lock downs in place and restrictions on travel, I suppose that a weekend trip is out of the question. I will just have to rely on my memories and this little 5x7 watercolor painting to take me there instead.

I call this watercolor painting 'Corner Gallery'. There is a brick building right next to that little greenish blue cafe I was speaking of earlier. The building is the home of a very interesting gallery of gifts and paintings. It has been so long since our trip, but I still remember the weird stuff that was for sale there. The building and the streetlamps where my real source of inspiration, and where my mind is traveling to today.


Painting all of those little bricks, regardless of the quality, was a challenge. I have to say, without taking the time to paint them in, the piece wouldn't be as interesting to look at.

I know we are all feeling a little trapped in our homes, and we don't all have a Thames Street out of our back doors, so we have to find other ways to make the best of the situation. For me, it's taking those trips again, but this time in my mind. Instead of taking pictures, I'll have to be satisfied with painting them.. and that really isn't a bad thing. After all, I want to be painting more anyhow!


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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. ... Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”

― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart




All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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About Me ~ The Artist

My art work incorporates a wide variety of subject matter, including landscape, seascape, cityscape, and still life images. My works are the product of a continuing process of exploration through which I seek to portray personal and visionary interpretations of my surroundings. My paintings are impressions of places and events from everyday life, an interpretation of my imagination, and personal responses to what I see and feel on a daily basis. More recently I have invested generous amounts of time into my landscape painting. I am surrounded by natural and man made beauty, which inherently presents itself in the tri-state area, and almost demands that I paint it.

Not everything is art. Art is not everything, but it comes close. Art is everywhere and all the time. Art makes you experience the beauty of the world, the people in it, and the places we call home. Art itself is so influential that it can tell stories, show feelings, and express passion or fury. Art exists in addition to language; expression of sensations and thoughts, revealing a way of thinking too subtle and delicate for words.

For me art requires love, honesty and perseverance. In return, it reveals some personal, non-analyzable, and creative untamed passion. For the public, art with its magnificent beauty, improves mood and health and builds better human beings and communities. It engages the intellect, softens the heart, strengthens the soul and frees the spirit.

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If Your Interested In Purchasing Any Of My Work:

They can be found for sale on

Saatchi Art



If you don't see the piece in either shop, It may still be drying. Let me know and I can upload it as soon as possible to be available. Or you can always make me an offer (in HBD, Hive or any other crypto) in the comments section of this post. If we agree on a price, I will then ship the painting to you. (shipping costs will be determined by your location).

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