Two little Twinkles and friends

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I was a very good girl for the past year and didn't get any new orchids (I killed three but that I shall not talk about). This year though started with two new purchases.
And I had to.
I really had to!
I wanted to have little Oncidium Twinkle for a very long time, but I didn't want to order any from online nurseries (it never ends on one plant). They also do not normally appear in stationary flower shops and supermarkets - they do get some other orchids than Phalaenosis from time to time.

Until about 2 weeks ago. On a regular grocery shopping I stoppedd by the flower stand and look at that :D

Few tiny pots with tiny little Twinkles!

Now @fantagira or @ludmila.kyriakou please ensure me they are Twinkles, please. I have never seen them myself or had any. I was always relying on google photos.

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The flowers are super small, maybe 1 cm across, but oh do they smell amazing! This tiny little stem with few little flowers have some nice power.
This was another reason (besides being a miniature orchid and with a cascade of flowers) why I wanted one... or two :p

Just look how delicate the petals are.

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This one does worries me though. There were just a few pots with this colour and all of them were single bulb. This is just as stupid as it gets to sell a single bulb orchid. They do need multiple bulbs to stay strong and healthy, so some nursery is playing rather not funny tricks on the customers.
Yes, I still got one. And I will do my best to keep it alive.

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This is the whole plant.

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The second one is this lovely cinnamon one. There are more colours available, but there were only the two.

The flowers have a little bit different shape an resamble more the Sharry Baby I also have.

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The plant is bigger, or so it seems. Few bulbs in a pot, but knowing how tricky some sellers are, they all might be separate ones, just planted together to look bushier. Hope not.

And only today as I was taking the photos I notices that the tip of the leaves were cut. That doesn't bother me much. They probably were dry or damaged. I do that too.

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And since I was taking photos of the two little girls, I took another two orchids that are currently in bloom.

Procatavola Golden Peacock is one of my all time faves. It blooms few times a year as soon as the new pseudobulb matures. Now that it is a lot bigger and has few directions of growth it keeps producing them = blooms pretty often.

I have shown in few times before and she deserves to be shown. Lovely non-problematic plant. Doesn't even gets bugs while others do :)

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And my tiny little Dendrobium kingianum var. Silcockii. Not many flowers for now, but I had to throw away most of the plant. It was nice an big already, but it was sick. I kept the part that dint show signs of dissease and I am growin it all over again.

At least I still have it. I really like the flower. They also smell like honey :)

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An here is a group shot.
You can see how small the Twinkle and dendrobium flowers are :)

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Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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