Things I’d like To Try This Year

I almost wouldn’t have made this post until I saw erikah’s own post on the topic a few days ago so here’s my own little version. Where as she wrote on specific skills she wanted to try to get good at, my case is that I’m writing a bit on general things I want to try doing this year both for fun and to be a better version of myself.

I don’t plan most of the time, but this year, I seem to be making a lot of plans in anticipation of how I want my year to go. Some of the plans I’m making this year is to try out some things I haven’t done before. These range from new fun activities to lifestyles and stuff like that.

Cinema Time

This one is going to sound unbelievably shocking, but I’ve never been to the cinema before. I love movies and I definitely love watching them on a big screen, but I haven’t got that dark room with pop corn and my arm resting on a nice girl’s shoulder experience that the cinema gives. I for sure plan to give myself that this year.

Photo credit: @smariam

I haven’t decided what movie I’ll be seeing yet, so I suppose I’m just going to leave that up to chance? But if I’m lucky enough on the said date I decide to make the trip, I want to see something completely new, interesting and romantic because I plan to have my first cinema time with someone special, one I have a feeling she’ll want it to be a romantic experience. If it was entirely up to myself, I probably would do a scifi.

Photo credit: @smariam

Beach Time

Lol another surprising thing, especially if you know me well. I love the ocean and beach vibe but I surprisingly have never even experienced it.

I have very wild imaginations of my first time there lol. People who have been to the beach will not understandable my obsession with beaches. It represents peace and calm to me. Watching the tide go up and down, the beach environment itself, everything about it just excites me.

Photo credit: @smariam

Out of everything though, what I really look forward to is beach photography. Not of myself lol. Of the beach, the tide, the red sun hovering over the waters as the sunsets, the vegetation right next to the beach, basically the entire aesthetic environment around the beach.

For some reason, whenever I think of beaches, what comes to my mind is an island. Even the description I just gave of everything about a beach came from a vivid imagination of an island feel. Going to the beach would be cool, but an island experience would be awesome and probably on my bucket list lol.

Read more books on personal growth and development.

I’m not much of a reader. A look at my blog reveals that. I used to be though, I don’t know what happened to change that.

I want to get back to reading this year. Not novels, but books centered on personal growth and development. I want to get my mindset on track, my mental health in check, and my finances right.

I’m already starting to make an e-book collection of these kinds of books and I’d appreciate recommendations of any kind in building my to-read list. I have like 3 books in my stash right now, and will take my time to digest and assimilate the book contents into my life. Part of my stash are books like Rich dad Poor Dad, The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck and 48 Laws of Power.

Maybe I’ll discuss some of them here on Hive as I go. I’ll probably try to throw in one or two novels if I find reading fun enough again. It’s not a promise though, it’s a maybe. Lol

Go out more, Network more, invest in myself more, explore more.

I’m out of school and currently need to find a job or something to pay bills. People from Ghana have this thing we say that just enforces how important networking is: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. I just realized it’s a universal concept and not a Ghanaian thing. Ghanaians tend to use it very often though.

Point is, now is the time I need to focus more on building a network of people invested into the stuff I’m invested in. I’m joining youth groups around to get exposure to opportunities to meet people. I’ve made two friends so far and I’ll be introducing them to Hive some time these days.

I’ll most likely write about most of the meetups I attend. First one will be this weekend. It’s a meetup organized by Savannah Developers, a youth group focused on creating a community to promote and celebrate the tech community in Northern Ghana by supporting each other to achieve great things.

I also intend on exploring a lot. I already have a very curious mind and I like to explore. I’ll be doing a lot of that this year. Try a little bit of this, a little bit of that, see what works and what doesn’t. Good stuff though so there’s nothing to worry about lol.

I’m hoping that by the end on the year, a look back will see me actually having done all of these. I’ll be a better and person if that happens, especially with regards to the networking and personal development aspects.

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