Research, Awareness, Decentralization, Freedom - “The Rabbit Hole” Community


Hello everyone! It is with great pleasure that we write this opening article for this brand new community "The Rabbit Hole".

Creating this community, we are three guys, life friends and work mates, who heard the “Call-of-Duty”, creating this new community to discuss interesting and niche topics, that you can seldom find in the internet, but that have a huge impact on our lives.
The idea is to combine skills, acquired during the years, with our desire to search for new information, freedom, the connection between various topics and the match of all those dots in order to give a clearer picture, on all the areas that we are going to cover in the community.

Over the years we have learned many things about the world around us. We have tried to combine information of different subjects without prejudices and limits discovering strange coincidences and interesting hints. We are as well on this path of discovery, and the idea, is exactly to keep studying, sharing results and ideas with you all.
In this Community we want to share information, not just with the aim of bragging or creating confusion. Our final aim is to create practical tools, to improve life under different aspects.


We want to show you how many current issues can relate to the advent, for example, of the world of cryptocurrencies, blockchain and decentralization, subjects in which every day we are immersed and work hard. A reality that for the first time in years, can really give us a way out of the global system. With cryptocurrencies we can finally become real owners of our money, with blockchain recording long-lasting information, with decentralization taking power away from central entities to give it to citizens in a democratic way.
Mike has already given his opinion on the matter in this article: @mikezillo/satoshi-nakamoto-did-not-want


As you can see from the community cover image, the path that we consider the most promising (that we have already experienced in our own lives) is based on 4 fundamental concepts:

1) Research

The starting point is research. Research is required to have a wider vision of what happens around us, looking for new information to combine them with those we already have. Information is the key to any growth path.

Information is knowledge, knowledge is power

The more knowledge you gather, the more chances to get rid of old and failing systems you have.


2) Awareness

As a second stand we have awareness. Awareness because, as we discover more and more information, we realize that there are worlds of information that we often do not know or are obscured on purpose until you are the one who discovers them. The more aware you become of your surroundings, the more opportunities you have to find strategies to win and feel good about yourself. At some point your awareness will lead you to understand point number three.

3) Decentralization

Here we come to the third point, decentralization. At a certain level of awareness, you realize that our world is much more complex than what you have been told and the centralization of power has reached relevant levels. It will cost you a few minutes to verify by yourself that power on Earth is strongly centralized in the hands of a bunch of people/families. That’s what we call: “centralized power”.
But here's where an area of expertise comes into play.
An area in which we work daily: The world of cryptocurrencies. For the first time in decades, we have the ability to take power away from central control entities and return into the hands of the people, becoming the true owner of your coins, without relying on centralized entities (like banks). Thanks to cryptocurrencies and blockchain we can also have truly democratic voting mechanisms, thanks to DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).
I am sure that on the topic of decentralization we could share interesting topics in the community. Now that you've started seeing into the Rabbit Hole, you're ready for the fourth and final step.


4) Freedom

The last point is freedom. Freedom because when you become autonomous, free, aware of what you are, what you have and what is happening, no one can imprison you anymore. We will try to always give a shout about financial freedom, but this Community MUST NOT be limited to it. We will also refer to physical, mental and spiritual freedom. The concept of freedom varies from person to person, but in this point we want to define it as a way to free people from a globalist system and many preconceptions that are precluding evolution to many people.
Our aim, is trying to free all of us from the chains that keep people anchored to something not worth of being called life.

I know many of you have a similar desire to be free from the system and improve many aspects of your lives. We thought it would be a great idea to form a community where we can all add something for everyone's growth, give practical tools to help others in their daily lives, and share information from personal research as well.


We always like to question everything and be open minded to new horizons. In this community you can have your space, always respecting others.

Feel free to share your goals, ambitions, achievements and information with the community.

We hope that “The Rabbit Hole” will help you grow mentally, spiritually, physically, and even financially.

Anyone who wants to share themes, strategies, techniques, tips related to the purpose of this community, can feel free to post.

Now it's time to jump into The Rabbit Hole. See you in the community, enjoy!

#media #knowledge #freedom #deepdives #realknowledge #education #neoxian #proofofbrain #society #independence #cypherpunk #cryptoindependence #teamwork

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