Delegation of Hive Power ;)

Hello and thank you for accepting me here in Hive Pakistan a Community to support Pakistani users and to encourage them ;)

This is Ghulam Abbas (@nabbas0786), Joined HivePakistan community few days ago, writing my first post here.


I just bought Hive using my Binance and sent them in my Hive Keychain, than decided to delegate some to different communities which are best are helping others.
So I found these three

Hive Pakistan

One of my favourite and latest community as being a Pakistani I would love to be a part of this great community and I'll do what I will be asked by the Admins or Mods.

Leo Finance (Inleo)

At first I wasn't aware of Leofinance but after spending some days I realised that Leofinance is one of the top and trended community on Hive which makes me to delegate my HP.


When I firstly joined Hive with the reference of @aadilmir I just knew about Actifit and it also helped me to boost my rank and earning for first 60 days after my joining date.

I Delegated all of them with same amount of 50 HP, enough for now will see to delegate more whenever I buy more Hive.


You may take it as my problem/issue or question whatever you want, but I wanted to know

  • Before Delegation my VP (VotePower) was at 0.002 after Delegation it goes down to 0.0007.
  • Is Vote Power just based on Hive Power which is under my ownership?
  • What benefits I'll get after my these delegations?
  • While Undelegating my HP how many days it'll take to convert into my available HP?

Bit confused with these questions haha after all, not all yet understands the mechanism of hive(how it works). But some of you are aware of it and I'll be pleased if you help me to increase my knowledge about Hive and the mechanism of Hive Blockchain.


I am really sorry if I disturbed you while mention but I hope you guys can help me to understand the working strategies of Hive, please refer me towards your Blogs, Posts or any of your video where I easily can understand it. I tried to search about it but didn't understand much, in hope that with your writtens I'll be helped to get more and more gain. 😀 Hope you won't mind it 🙏

Thank you very much
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