SPK Storage Node Sprint Attempt #2

Ok so i transferred some SPK tokens to my testing account and i am now live.

I proceeded by going here:
localhost 5050

ipfs   | Daemon is ready
api-1 exited with code 1
poa    | 2024/03/19 07:02:02 Connected to the server
poa    | Connected to validator1
poa    | Sending Ping
poa    | Client send:  {"hash":"QmSjv9U4vk8uqhcgJZrxqZv4wbGbBttaeLEq2gcSdknwtY","type":"PingPongPing","user":"minedovermatter"}
api-1  | Clean: 8
poa    | Connected to validator1
poa    | Sending Ping
poa    | Client send:  {"hash":"Qma1NuT8xCjsoT86uPaJBhqup2p7v2ub5L8P7zEJ428JSQ","type":"PingPongPing","user":"minedovermatter"}
poa    | 2024/03/19 07:02:02 Connected to the server
poa    | Connected to validator1
poa    | Sending Ping
poa    | Client send:  {"hash":"QmZmW3zTiznYkprnCGmbxxCKbtQ28v7wni3cB5Aepatny9","type":"PingPongPing","user":"minedovermatter"}
poa    | 2024/03/19 07:02:02 Connected to the server
poa    | 2024/03/19 07:02:02 Connected to the server
poa    | Connected to validator1
poa    | Sending Ping
poa    | Client send:  {"hash":"QmdM9MK8qo5zxgn6fdUgP4F5gcCdg4Zix4E2ER3jRBPJmn","type":"PingPongPing","user":"minedovermatter"}
api-1  | API listening on port 5050
api-1  | error: Command failed: node register_node.js
api-1  | node:internal/process/promises:288
api-1  |             triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
api-1  |             ^
api-1  | 
api-1  | Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
api-1  |     at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1555:16) {
api-1  |   errno: -111,
api-1  |   code: 'ECONNREFUSED',
api-1  |   syscall: 'connect',
api-1  |   address: '',
api-1  |   port: 5001
api-1  | }
api-1  | 
api-1  | Node.js v18.19.1
api-1  | 
poa    | 2024/03/19 07:02:03 Connected to the server
poa    | Connected to validator1
poa    | Sending Ping
poa    | Client send:  {"hash":"QmXUz6UpP6GnsDGZhieCPbEhW9GQKkoSRES1h7tD6WHSLg","type":"PingPongPing","user":"minedovermatter"}
api-1  | Clean: 9
poa    | Message received: {"hash":"QmZmW3zTiznYkprnCGmbxxCKbtQ28v7wni3cB5Aepatny9","type":"PingPongPong","user":"validator1"}
api-1  | live
api-1  | contracts
api-1  | live
api-1  | live

Up until this point I am still unsure of what this means:

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.08.27 AM.png

But it appears I might be soon to find out.

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.09.53 AM.png

I logged in with keychain and nothing happened.

I then clicked the logo on the top left and it refreshed the page and I was logged in.

I clicked register account and hive keychain prompted a transaction.

I approved it and then nothing happened.

I clicked the icon in the corner to refresh and i got this screen:

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.15.07 AM.png

And I guess that is where my journey ends for now. At this point I think I need a computer that's constantly on, and connected to the internet to serve 3speak videos (and hive attachments like images?). Exciting! it does sound fun. Maybe it wouldn't be too hard. I think too, I need to be running Linux, which is not something i have access to right now.

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.19.00 AM.png

api-1  | live
api-1  | contracts
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | Clean: 1
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | live
api-1  | Clean: 2
api-1  | live

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.43.22 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.48.05 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.59.22 AM.png

3 columns
2 columns
1 column