SPK Network - Testnet Sprint Results & Prizes


Hello Community Members!

We're excited to announce the winners and their respective prizes from our recent testnet sprint, which resulted from several weeks of hard work and collaboration. Please see below for the detailed breakdown of the awards distributed across different tiers and categories.

As a part of the testnet, the following improvements were made to SPK Network:

  • Install processes
  • Found unforeseen caching errors
  • Improved automation/ease of use
  • Fixed several bugs in base code (storage)
  • Fixed numerous bugs in the UI
  • Created additional documentation based on feedback

Testing Participant Tasks Tier 1:

Each participant was awarded with 17.241 HBD.

Participants: @pizza.spk.test, @ulisg, @ckjcn22, @emcandlish, @sinistry, @nikytaj5, @ugochill, @zangano, @tucanazul, @elsurtidor, @oldsoulnewb, @paradoxtma, @tub3r0, @karahanumit, @jsantana, @dailyspam, @spk.louis, @memess.spk, @starstrings01, @stayten, @guitarmcy, @ghostmac, @mayramalu, @xvlad, @skatehacker, @minedovermatter, @novacadian, @celescu, @east.autovote

Testnet Sprint Rewards in this Tier: 500 HBD.

Testing Participant Tasks Tier 2:

Each participant was awarded with 37.5 HBD.

Participants: @pizza.spk.test, @actifit-3speak, @east.autovote, @alinalazareva, @qtruongairdrop, @nhancon111, @brofund-witness, @good-karma.spk

Testnet Sprint Rewards in this Tier: 300 HBD.

Additional Prizes:

Testnet Sprint Rewards in additional prizes: 1,200 HBD.

This testnet sprint was a chance to test, innovate, and celebrate community engagement. Congratulations to all participants for their contributions and successful winnings. Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to more collaborations in future sprints!

Click here to check all the rewards transfers.

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SPK Network Funding Proposal 2023

About the SPK Network:

The SPK Network is a decentralized Web 3.0 protocol that rewards value creators and infrastructure providers appropriately and autonomously by distributing reward tokens so that every user, creator, and platform can earn rewards on a level playing field.

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