SPK Network Final Test Net AMA

SPK Network Testnet AMA.png

Join us for an AMA session to explore the final test net for SPK Network!

Date: Sunday, September 29th at noon Pacific Time Zone (19:00 UTC)
Place: SPK Network Discord Server

What We’ll Cover:

  • How to Set Up and Run a Storage Node
  • How to Store Files on the Network
  • How to Earn SPK
  • How to Set Up and Run a Validator
  • How to Vote in Governance

Don’t miss this chance to have your questions answered and become an integral part of the SPK Network. See you there!

About the SPK Network:

The SPK Network is a decentralized Web 3.0 protocol that rewards value creators and infrastructure providers appropriately and autonomously by distributing reward tokens so that every user, creator, and platform can earn rewards on a level playing field.

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