God, Gods, Aliens, and Trolls

Hi Everyone,


In this post, I would like to share some of my beliefs regarding the origins of human beings and their relationship with external forces. I strongly believe most of Darwinian evolutionary theory. However, I feel it is incomplete when it comes to explaining the emergence of humans. In my post, Valuing Life (Part 4) – Valuing life as part of an ecosystem, I briefly discussed how human intelligence has evolved well beyond what is necessary to secure survival. In this post, I would like to entertain the idea of external intervention. Many religions are based on some form of belief that external forces created humans. These external forces are often referred to as gods or deities.

Why would we think we were a product of external intervention?


It is unclear how people concluded that they were created by external intervention. It is possible that people became curious regarding their own existence. Creation by an external force could have been the most logical explanation. It is also possible that people interacted with beings with superior intelligence and technology. These beings could have been regarded as superior; therefore, people may have feared or revered them. It is even possible that these beings created humans. Early humans may have been aware of this but were not able to articulate these events.

Ancient Aliens


I have watched many episodes from several sessions of Ancient Aliens. I am fascinated by the information presented in this show. For example, there are so many buildings and monuments built thousands of years ago, which would be incredibly difficult to construct even with today’s technology. This would indicate people had superior technology or received some help from a more advanced civilisation of beings. It was not just the technology needed to build these buildings but also the placement of these buildings. For example, the Great Pyramid of Giza is placed at the exact intersection of the longest line of latitude and the longest line of longitude. The Great Pyramid also faces exactly true North (Phil Philips). It does not seem plausible that people thousands of years ago could have constructed such buildings and monuments with such precision without help. The Ancient Aliens series includes many other examples of past events that could imply alien intervention. I strongly recommend everyone to watch at least a few episodes from the series; probably Series 1.

God vs. Gods vs. Aliens


It is difficult to explain the origin of humans based purely on evolution. It is difficult to explain many ancient human feats based purely on human technology. However, external intervention could explain how both of these are possible. We could call this intervention from god, the gods, or aliens. These three types of beings are similar as they do not originate from this world (i.e. Planet Earth). They are different in regards to how they operate as well as their relationship with humans.

God is viewed as the creator of the world and all its inhabitants. This includes humans, all other animals and plants, and the physical planet. God is typically perceived as almighty and powerful as well as the purveyor of all that is good.

Gods are not perceived with as much reverence as a monotheistic god. Instead, they are regarded to be more humanlike in nature (i.e. possess both positive and negative traits). They are generally considered as possessing great power and are considered superior to humans. They are expected to be both feared and worshipped.

People do not typically revere aliens. They are not treated as part of religion but instead as part of science fiction. They are assumed to possess technology instead of magic. If aliens created humans, it would be through a type of genetic modification and not divine power.

Connecting with Science


There are many holes in science. Much of what is described as scientific is still just theory. However, many theories are supported by evidence even if this evidence is not definitive. I am satisfied with Darwinian evolutionary theory in regards to the evolution of most species of animals. Therefore, I am inclined to reject the idea that a god or gods created the entire planet and all species within it. In regards to humans, if we assume all other species evolved naturally, it seems unlikely that a god or gods created humans from scratch. It would be more plausible that humans were created from an existing species. Another strong indication that humans were created from an existing species, such as chimpanzees, are the similarities in DNA. Human and chimpanzee DNA is 99% the same (Science Mag).

Religious Influence


My religious beliefs are influenced by Gnostic Christianity aka Gnosticism. Around 2007/2008, I explored Christianity in some depth. I attended church services at several different churches. I became more familiar with several of the scriptures in the Bible. I also made an effort to explore Christian scriptures that were not included in the Bible. These scriptures are often referred to as the Gnostic gospels/scriptures. Many of these scriptures offer a different approach to Christianity. They often convey a direct relationship with God rather than through the church. They also describe the creator of the physical world (i.e. demiurge) as an imperfect being rather than an all-knowing, all-powerful benevolent being. In some scriptures, the demiurge is served by archons who are similar to angels in mainstream Christian theology. The Gnostic God (i.e. Monad) is perceived as the creator of the spiritual world and not the physical. Humans are believed to contain a divine element, which is locked within their physical body.

My interpretation, more like extrapolation, of Gnostic Christianity is that the physical creation of humans was by aliens (i.e. the demiurge and archons). I also believe that there is something more powerful than any creator of any physical form. I believe we have some sort of non-physical bond with each other. I believe this is with both the living and the physically dead. It is as though, through our existence, we are creating a living giant database of knowledge and experience that we are able to tap into sometimes. We would then be creating our own god. This would be like a god, who would be a collective of all human consciousness.

If humans were modified from an existing creation, how about other genetic modifications?


If aliens genetically modified a species of ape to create humans, it is quite likely they would have genetically modified other animals as well. We do not appear to see other animals with a similar intelligence to humans. However, this does not mean that such animals have not existed or still exist.

For lack of a better name, I will refer to these other genetically modified animals as ‘trolls’. I do not intend this as a derogatory description but rather my impression of creatures that are hidden from view. It is also likely that such creatures do not exist. Therefore, the name ‘troll’ adds a mythical touch to the description. However, I still believe it is worth entertaining the possible existence of such creatures.

These trolls could have become extinct or been killed off if deemed as a failure by the aliens. It is possible that these trolls still exist today. If they do exist, they could be hiding, living underground, be invisible, or there could be some other reason why we do not knowingly encounter them or find visible evidence of their existence. As strange as this may sound, it is possible. We do not know in what way or how they have been genetically modified. Maybe they can become invisible, maybe they can shape shift, maybe they can live underwater, or maybe they can even move between dimensions. It is also unknown if these trolls are our intellectual equals or even have superior intelligence. If they exist, we do not know why they would choose to remain hidden. Are they afraid of humans or do they have other reasons for not interacting openly with humans?



There is still a lot we do not known or understand about our own origins. It seems like both science and religion only unveils part of the story. However, if we combine information obtained from scientific research and study with religious scripture we can obtain a better idea of our origins as well as understand more about those that contributed to our creation. At this point, it is impossible to draw any definitive conclusions about our origin but we can explore our own theories and ideas based on what we observe and experience. We should also continuously question our beliefs and be open to different possibilities.

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