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When you do the anatomy practice quickly so you add it colors just for fun.

Hello Beautiful Community! Sofia's here

Without preamble, I present you, "My darling dancer"!

The idea
I turned the age for applying to university you guys, and of course I am heading to art! (after lots of mental breakdowns of not knowing what to do with my life hehe). Anyway, since I'm taking the art way much seriously than before (this was a pastime) I figured out what dozens of people know, but as I'm new to this as this was new to me: The more you learn, the more you have to offer and get paid for. So! I practiced anatomy first.

The Process

  1. Search "Bodies Ideas" on Pinterest.
  2. Pick some. For now and for later.
  3. Just do it.

I finished this paint by saturday (and posted on my instagram account , *wink *wink). And I tried something different that day: not sketching. Exactly, directly with crayon on the paper and let my brain and hands do their job.

I did it all with white crayon. All. Even the shadow. But it ended up boring, if it were just one of the same thousand paints in the world, that sort of boring. So I spiced things up =)
That's how I did it. Yes, it's simple, I know, there's no great experience behind it but hey! Isn't it gorgeous?

And this is my face of pride. Did you notice that my t-shirt says the words Focus and Goals in it? I didn't plan it, I swear. It's just subliminal messages I tend to find out of nowhere.

*Great finale =D

This is my instagram where you can view more of my content and share it!

I hope you have enjoyed this paint and see ya later!