Hispaliterario 10 / Una estrella en el horizonte. (Esp/Eng)


Allá en el horizonte veo una estrella, seguiré a ver donde me lleva. Cuantos días llevo aquí en este desierto , debo aprovechar la oscuridad para que este manto de estrellas y esa en especial me guíe.

Dónde quedaron esos que me seguían, no les hice nada solo me confunden con otra persona que tiene mis características, no se a dónde voy. Sólo seguiré.

Hace unos días Felipe compraba de lo más tranquilo las frutas y víveres para llevar a su casa con el dinero producto de su arduo trabajo en la herrería del pueblo. Mientras caminaba de negocio en negocio para rendir lo ganado escucha gritos : ¡¡Párate, para!!

En ningún momento imaginó lo que tendría que vivir para salvar su vida. Lo agarraron, lo golpearon y le preguntaban: ¿Dónde está el dinero? Felipe sorprendido, no sabía que pasaba, respondía: sólo tengo el dinero de mi trabajo.

Le gritaban: ¡¡tú nos robaste!! te haces que no nos conoces ahora!!

Alguien gritaba del otro lado de la calle: ¡¡él no es, él no es!!

Entre gritos y diretes de los dos lados, como pudo ...encontró un momento donde pudo escapar a pesar del dolor en su cuerpo por los golpes que le propinaron. Logró esconderse. Lo buscaron y buscaron y no dieron con él.


Al llegar la noche comenzó a correr y correr...corrió tanto que casi no sentía su cuerpo, los golpes pareciera que se le hubiesen curado de todo lo que corrió. Salió del pueblo buscando donde esconderse, el sueño lo rindió, cuando despertó se encuentra en el desierto donde se sorprende que lo que le daba un poco de sombra era un cactus que el no conocía. No podía con la sed que lo abrumaba, miró bien y descubrió en ese cactus unos frutos rojos y recordó que esa planta guardaba entre sus hojas líquido que le servirían de agua para calmar su sed.

Como pudo para no pincharse, arrancó una hoja donde se alojaba un fruto , se las ingenió pudo abrir y beber lo que esa planta le ofrecía. Dentro de todo lo que le ocurría daba las gracias a la planta por esta en ese lugar. Descansó otro rato más y pensaba en su familia, en como avisarle. Ya perdí la noción de cuantos días ha pasado. Uno, dos, tres. No sé.

Esa noche decidió seguir la estrella como lo pensó caminó y caminó; solo pensaba en su familia, recordaba los abrazos y el amor en ella...cuando de pronto miró luces, tiendas de campañas...llegó allí . Contó lo ocurrido . La historia que contó parecía similar a la que alguien había descrito por lo que había desaparecido. Felipe fue atendido, curado, alimentado. Le prometieron que al llegar el amanecer lo acompañarían al pueblo, donde inició todo.

Separadores Fuente



There on the horizon I see a star, I'll follow to see where it leads me. How many days I've been here in this desert, I must take advantage of the darkness so that this mantle of stars and that one in particular can guide me.

Where are those who followed me, I didn't do anything to them, they just confused me with another person who has my characteristics, I don't know where I'm going. I'll just follow.

A few days ago Felipe was calmly buying routes and groceries to take home with the money he earned from his hard work in the blacksmith's shop in town. As he walked from shop to shop to pay for his earnings, he heard shouts: "Stop, stop!

At no time did he imagine what he would have to go through to save his life. They grabbed him, beat him and asked him: "Where is the money? Felipe was surprised, he didn't know what was happening, he answered: I only have the money from my work.

They shouted at him: "You robbed us!! you don't know us now!

Someone shouted from the other side of the street: "He's not the one, he's not the one!

Between shouting and shouting from both sides, as best he could ...he found a moment where he could escape despite the pain in his body from the blows he was given. He managed to hide. They searched and searched and did not find him.


At nightfall he began to run and run... he ran so much that he could hardly feel his body, the blows seemed to have healed from all the running he had done. He left the village looking for a place to hide, sleep gave him up, when he woke up he found himself in the desert where he was surprised that what gave him some shade was a cactus that he didn't know. He could not cope with the thirst that overwhelmed him, he took a good look and discovered some red fruits in that cactus and remembered that the plant kept between its leaves a liquid that would serve as water to quench his thirst.

As best he could so as not to prick himself, he tore off a leaf where a fruit was lodged, he managed to open it and drink what the plant offered him. In spite of everything that was happening to him, he thanked the plant for being in that place. He rested a while longer and thought about his family, about how to warn them. I've lost track of how many days it's been. One, two, three. I don't know.

That night he decided to follow the star as he thought he walked and walked and walked; he only thought about his family, he remembered the hugs and the love in them...when suddenly he saw lights, tents...he arrived there. He told what happened. The story he told seemed similar to the one someone had told so he had disappeared. Philip was cared for, healed, fed. They promised him that at dawn they would accompany him to the village where it all began.

Traductor DeepL
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