La Abeja Obrera | El orígen. (Esp-Eng)

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Abraham es el religioso del pueblo, se pasa el día calle arriba y calle abajo predicando su fe a todo el que puede.

Encontrar una palabra para describirlo no es sencillo. Fanático, es posible que se quede corta. Exagerado, tal vez sea la indicada. Estos últimos meses Abraham y su familia dejaron de ir a la iglesia, pues según él, sus hermanos de fe son unos hipócritas que no cumplen al pie de la letra lo que manda el libro sagrado.

La comunidad le tiene mucha paciencia, porque el caso parece serio. Ahora ha empezado a predicar en el garaje de su casa y guardan los días sábado tan sagradamente que parece que mueren el viernes con la puesta del sol hasta el alba del domingo, no se les ve ni un pelo en la calle, porque todo lo que se haga ese día es pecado.

Esa obsesión con guardar el sábado lo ha hecho sentirse perseguido por las personas de otras religiones. Me dijo que las otras religiones van a implementar una ley mundial para que se guarde el día domingo y que eso es un sacrilegio.

Su pequeño hijo de 10 años vive con cara de angustia. Me apena verlo tan solitario, cargando esa aflicción que su padre le ha inculcado. Le pregunté hace unos días que por qué la cara larga? Me respondió que pensaba en una solución para que no le impusieran la ley del domingo.

Me sentí triste y solo pude decirle que no se preocupara que posiblemente ese día estaba muy, muy lejos.

Ayer nos encontramos en la esquina y Abraham me saludó. Le pregunté a donde iba? Y me dijo que a iniciar una nueva investigación científica. Quiere demostrar cual día es el verdadero sábado, pues no confía en el calendario que usamos ahora, ni en los relojes, quiere determinarlo para guardar el día verdadero que indica el libro sagrado. Lo miré con nostalgia y parecía desorientado. Siguió caminando y me volteó para decirme: No me gusta a la conclusión que me esta llevando mi estudio. Según esto el día sábado realmente empieza el domingo.

naturaleza muerta . dc.png
English version

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The origin

Abraham is the religious man of the village, he spends his days up and down the street preaching his faith to everyone he can.

Finding a word to describe him is not easy. Fanatical, it may be an understatement. Exaggerated might be the right one. In recent months Abraham and his family have stopped going to church because, according to him, his brothers and sisters in faith are hypocrites who do not follow the letter of the holy book.

The community is very patient with him, because the case seems serious. Now he has started to preach in the garage of his house and they keep the Sabbath days so sacredly that it seems that they die on Friday at sunset until dawn on Sunday, not a hair is seen on the street, because everything that is done on that day is a sin.

That obsession with keeping the Sabbath has made him feel persecuted by people of other religions. He told me that the other religions are going to implement a worldwide law to keep Sunday and that it is sacrilege.

His little 10-year-old son lives with a face of anguish. It saddens me to see him so lonely, carrying this affliction that his father has instilled in him. I asked him a few days ago why the long face? He answered that he was thinking of a solution so that the Sunday law would not be imposed on him.

I felt sad and could only tell him not to worry that he might be far, far away that day.

Yesterday we met at the corner and Abraham greeted me. I asked him where he was going? and he told me that he was going to start a new scientific research. He wants to prove which day is the true Sabbath, because he does not trust the calendar we use now, nor the clocks, he wants to determine it to keep the true day indicated in the holy book. I looked at him with nostalgia and he seemed disoriented. He kept walking and turned to me and said: "I don't like the conclusion that my study is leading me to. According to this, the Sabbath really begins on Sunday.

naturaleza muerta . dc.png

Esta es mi entrada al Concurso de literatura La Abeja Obrera. Homenaje a Miguel de Cervantes, propuesto por el amigo @jesuspsoto. Invito a participar a @gyp.karina11

This is my entry to the La Abeja Obrera literature contest. Homage to Miguel de Cervantes, proposed by friend @jesuspsoto. I invite @gyp.karina11 to participate.


Contenido original del autor.
Traducido con
✿ Todos los Derechos Reservados || © @chacald.dcymt // 2021 ✿
💌 Discord: chacald.dcymt#3549
Original content by the author.
Translation done with
✿ All Rights Reserved || © @chacald.dcymt // 2021 ✿
💌 Discord: chacald.dcymt#3549

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