Hispaliterario 5/ Los Tres Extraños Seres (Esp/Eng)

Fuente/ Source


Carla se sentía muy feliz porque por fin se había mudado sola a un coqueto apartamento, ubicado en un piso 6, pero con una vista esplendorosa, se podía divisar a lo lejos la cercanía del mar, era su lugar soñado. Como todo, su familia la ayudó a mudarse, mamá y papá estaban preocupados, porque su niñita iba a dormir sola en aquel lugar,. Al principio se sintió extasiada con tanta tranquilidad y privacidad las primeras semanas pasaron sin novedad. Estaba feliz se sentía realizada.

Ya tenía su rutina, llegaba a casa del trabajo, se duchaba, cenaba y a la cama a observar su maravillosa vista desde la ventana de su habitación. A Carla siempre le vencía el sueño con un libro, o viendo un programa de televisión. Pero una noche, se quedó dormida como siempre con un libro en su regazo, cuando de repente sintió como el libro salió despedido hacia el piso, se despertó abruptamente y entre la penumbra de su cuarto, pudo distinguir a tres personas, (pensaba ella) que la observaban desde la ventana de su habitación.

Parecían estar, entre adentro y afuera no podía distinguir bien; intentó pararse, pero vio con horror que no podía movilizarse como quería, parecía como si la tuvieran sujeta en su cama, ella trato de gritar y de sus labios no salió un solo sonido…,sabia que estaba despierta, estaba consciente de su situación, pero no podía hacer nada; mientras aquellas tres figuras, se acercaban mas a su cama; en ese instante pudo verles mas nítidamente, eran unos seres con forma humanoide, largos y delgados brazos, al igual que sus piernas, cuerpos altos y esbeltos y una cabeza exageradamente grande, para sus anatomías, con unos ojos grandes y totalmente negros que la observaban, con gran intensidad.

Carla en ese momento, no pudo menos que alterarse mas, pues no sabia quienes eran esos seres, ni que querían de ella…, solo atinó a ver que se acercaban a ella lentamente, luego no sabe cómo cayó en un sueño profundo, hasta el otro día. Al despertar recordó todo con exactitud, ya con cierta inquietud y preocupación decidió quitarle importancia, a lo mejor lo había imaginado, aunque bien sabía que no era cierto, además de que el cansancio inusual que sentía no era algo común. En las próximas noches, estuvo atenta y la visita de estos seres no se había dado mas…

Fuente/ Source

Hasta que cinco días después, se encontraba viendo la televisión en su cuarto, en la noche, cuando de repente desde la ventana vio como tres orbes azules, entraban a su cuarto y se paraban delante de ella, levitando ante sus propios ojos. Carla se quedó paralizada, curiosa y a la vez con miedo y otra vez, cuando intentó moverse no pudo; mientras una luz muy potente, que la cegó se hacía presente y de ella salían los tres extraños visitantes, quienes al verla se acercaron e intentaron tocarle el vientre; Carla quiso resistirse y pensaba: “pero, ¿Qué quieren de mi?”, cuando internamente oyó una voz que le decía: “No te resistas, pues quieras o no, vamos a estar en ti…”

Carla en ese momento, perdió el conocimiento y no supo más de ella, sino hasta el otro día que despertó como si la hubiesen molido, todo su cuerpo le dolía, cuando fue al baño, se percató de que tenía moretones en su cuerpo y sus partes privadas le dolían; no entendía qué le estaba pasando, quiso buscar ayuda pero luego pensó que la iban a tomar por loca, así que decidió callar, mientras los días fueron pasando y una inusual barriga crecía en ella, pero muy aceleradamente, pensó que serían gases o quizás tendría algo maligno, pero no quería acudir al médico, ¿Qué otra cosa podía ser?

Sentía muchos malestares y sentía que su estómago se tensaba horriblemente, como si alguien la estuviera estrujando por dentro. No había vuelto a tener visitas y a no ser por esas molestias que tenía y la palidez, la delgadez que tenia, todo parecía ir bien, hasta esa noche…Carla dormía profundamente, cuando sintió que alguien le tocaba el bajo vientre y al tacto de aquella mano, algo empezó a moverse aceleradamente y ella empezó a sentir mucho dolor, al ver lo que pasaba vio, cómo aquellos tres extraños seres estaban frente de ella, con sus piernas completamente abiertas, como esperando…

Ella trató de cerrar sus piernas, pero no pudo, no podía moverse como siempre pasaba. Solo sentía que algo se movía dentro de ella, como loco y eso le causaba un dolor extremo, trato de gritar, pero sus labios estaban sellados, entonces recordó que “ellos” oían sus pensamientos y les preguntó: "¿Qué me pasa, que quieren de mi?" y uno de ellos ante sus ojos desorbitados y una horrible punzada que sintió, le contestó: “queremos esto” y ante sus ojos vio como ese ser sostenía entre sus brazos, lo que parecía ser un bebé humanoide, pero muy sutiles rasgos y a la vez, tenía rasgos muy similares a ella misma…En ese momento Carla se sumió en la plena oscuridad por siempre….

Fuente/ Source

Esta es mi partcipación en Hispaliterario 5. UFOs in Hive , que como siempre, ponen en movimiento mi imaginación. Invito a mis amigos @care1869 y @popurri.


Carla was very happy because she had finally moved alone to a cozy apartment, located on the 6th floor, but with a splendid view, you could see the sea in the distance, it was her dream place. Like everything else, her family helped her move, mom and dad were worried because their little girl was going to sleep alone in that place, at first she was ecstatic with so much tranquility and privacy, the first few weeks passed without a hitch. She was happy, she felt fulfilled.

She had her routine, she came home from work, showered, ate dinner and went to bed to observe the wonderful view from her bedroom window. Carla always fell asleep with a book, or watching a TV show. But one night, she fell asleep as usual with a book in her lap, suddenly she felt the book flying to the floor, she woke up abruptly and in the gloom of her room, she could distinguish three people (she thought) watching her from the window of her room.

They seemed to be, between inside and outside she could not distinguish well; she tried to stand up, but she saw with horror that she could not move as she wanted, it seemed as if they were holding her in her bed, she tried to scream and not a single sound came from her lips.... She knew she was awake, she was aware of her situation, but she could not do anything; while those three figures were getting closer to her bed; at that moment she could see them more clearly, they were humanoid beings, long and thin arms as well as their legs, tall and slender bodies and an exaggeratedly large head, for their anatomy, with big and totally black eyes that were watching her with great intensity.

Carla at that moment, could not help but get more upset, because she did not know who those beings were, nor what they wanted from her..., she only managed to see that they were approaching her slowly, then she does not know how she fell into a deep sleep, until the next day. When she woke up she remembered everything exactly, and with some concern and worry she decided to play it down, maybe she had imagined it, although she knew it was not true, besides the unusual tiredness she felt was not something common. In the following nights, she was attentive and the visit of these beings had not been given more...

Until five days later, she was watching TV in her room, at night, when suddenly from the window she saw three blue orbs, entering her room and standing in front of her, levitating before her very eyes. Carla was paralyzed, curious and at the same time afraid and again, when she tried to move she could not; while a very powerful light, that blinded her was present and from it the three strange visitors came out, who upon seeing her approached and tried to touch her belly; Carla wanted to resist and thought: "but, what do they want from me?", when internally she heard a voice telling her: "Do not resist, because whether you want or not, we are going to be in you..."

Carla at that moment, lost consciousness and did not know more about her, until the next day she woke up as if she had been crushed, her whole body hurt, when she went to the bathroom, she realized that she had bruises on her body and her private parts hurt; She did not understand what was happening to her, she wanted to seek help but then she thought that they were going to take her for crazy, so she decided to keep quiet, while the days went by and an unusual belly grew in her, but very quickly, she thought it was gas or maybe she had something malignant, but she did not want to go to the doctor, what else could it be?

She felt a lot of discomfort and felt that her stomach was tightening horribly, as if someone was squeezing her inside. She had not had visits again and except for those discomforts she had and the pallor, thinness she had, everything seemed to go well, until that night...Carla was sleeping deeply, when she felt someone touching her lower abdomen and at the touch of that hand, something began to move quickly and she began to feel a lot of pain, when she saw what was happening she saw how those three strange beings were in front of her, with their legs completely open, as if waiting...

She tried to close her legs, but she could not, she could not move as it always happened. She only felt that something was moving inside her, like crazy and that caused her extreme pain, she tried to scream, but her lips were sealed, then she remembered that "they" heard her thoughts and she asked them: "What's wrong with me, what do you want from me? "and one of them before her wild eyes and a horrible pang she felt, answered: "we want this" and before her eyes she saw how that being held in his arms, what seemed to be a humanoid baby, but very subtle and at the same time, had features very similar to herself...At that moment Carla was plunged into darkness forever....

This is my participation in Hispaliterario 5. UFOs in Hive , which as always, set my imagination in motion. I invite my friends @care1869 and @popurri.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Separadores/Separators @eve66

Banner @brujita18

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