Concurso de literatura La Abeja Obrera | Carta para Ifigenia (Esp/ Eng)

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                                                                    En Caracas, 08/10/ 2021

Querida Ifigenia:

Me es grato saber de ti y de tu vida a través de tus hermosas cartas, que me trasladan a un mundo desconocido para mi, en esta revolución de años que nos separan. Saber de tus costumbres, tus viajes, tus observaciones y sobre todo tus apreciaciones claramente descritas en tus cartas.

No sabia tan claramente, que la mujer, por tu tiempo tenia que mantener cercado sus mas vivos pensamientos por que no eran bien vistos, hasta sus emociones, ¡Que barbaridad, que prisión de espíritu! no imagino no poder expresar mis sentimientos a viva voz, si así lo deseo.

Tener que estar disimulando siempre tus mas íntimos pensamientos, no debió ser fácil. ¡Gracias a Dios!, tenias a tu amiga Cristina y podías desahogar en ella, esa presión de tu alma, ya con eso eras una pionera de la mujer en tus tiempos, pues trataste de vivir a tu manera, lo mas que pudiste.

Pero, veo que las rígidas costumbres de tu época, te oprimieron en mas de una ocasión, teniendo que cumplir con lo que dictaba la norma, nada mas para la mujer, no levantar la voz, no contradecir al marido, hacer siempre lo que los padres mandaban o en su defecto a una abuelita, tan estricta y arraigada en sus creencias y costumbres, como la tuya.

Si no hubieses tenido la manera de expresarte, imagino que hubieses buscado otras formas de hacerlo, por que ya adivinabas lo que debía disfrutar una mujer, de caminar libremente, sin chaperonas o marido, sin necesidad de dar explicaciones, por lo menos probaste un poco de esa libertad.

Pude ver por medio de tus escritos, lo que disfrutaste por tu paso en Paris, lo describiste tan bien, que me vi yo misma contigo allí, cortándome el cabello contigo a tu lado. Te agradezco tanto tu manera de ver las cosas y que las hayas difundido, para así yo poder haberlas disfrutado hoy día.

Me di cuenta que somos iguales, que sentimos, padecemos, anhelamos, amamos y observamos la vida, con ganas de disfrutarla, que sencillamente somos ¡Mujeres!

Un Abrazo,



Agradeciendo a mi querida @annafenix por la invitación a Participar en tan interesante concurso, les invito a todos ustedes a crear y sumarse a esta iniciativa, esta vez en honor de Teresa de la Parra, invito especialmente a mi amiga @popurri.



                                                                    In Caracas, 08/10/ 2021

Dear Iphigenia:

It is a pleasure to know about you and your life through your beautiful letters, which take me to a world unknown to me, in this revolution of years that separate us. To know about your habits, your travels, your observations and above all your appreciations clearly described in your letters.

I did not know so clearly, that the woman, for your time had to keep her most vivid thoughts fenced because they were not well seen, even her emotions, what a barbarity, what a prison of spirit! I cannot imagine not being able to express my feelings out loud, if I wish to do so.

Having to be always hiding your most intimate thoughts, must not have been easy. Thank God, you had your friend Cristina and you could unburden in her, that pressure of your soul, and with that you were a pioneer of women in your time, because you tried to live in your own way, as much as you could.

But, I see that the rigid customs of your time, oppressed you on more than one occasion, having to comply with what the norm dictated, nothing more for women, not to raise your voice, not to contradict your husband, always do what the parents commanded or failing that a grandmother, so strict and rooted in their beliefs and customs, like yours.

If you had not had the way to express yourself, I imagine that you would have looked for other ways to do it, because you already guessed what a woman should enjoy, to walk freely, without chaperones or husband, without the need to give explanations, at least you tasted a little of that freedom.

I could see through your writings, what you enjoyed by your passage in Paris, you described it so well, that I saw myself with you there, cutting my hair with you by your side. I thank you so much for your way of seeing things and that you have spread them, so that I could have enjoyed them today.

I realized that we are the same, that we feel, suffer, yearn, love and observe life, with the desire to enjoy it, that we are simply women!

A hug,



Thanking my dear @annafenix for the invitation to Participate in such an interesting contest, I invite all of you to create and join this initiative, this time in honor of Teresa de la Parra, I especially invite my friend @popurri.

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