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IBT Survival Island - Regular Update

In these regular updates we will bring fresh content to Hive in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

COVID lockdowns where you have to keep working and self defense horse punching or was it? ..Wow! what a week full of crazy distractions - I'm sure its a plot to keep me from concentrating on games~~ Anyways onwards and upwards welcome to this weeks IBT update.

CRAFTING MENU - Full Rebuild of Widget Code

After testing the crafting menu we noticed some major bugs in it. Since we are pushing so hard for a newer demo it was decided that we could not release a demo with such a messed up crafting system. Overall, it was really broken.... Being quite some time now working with the UE4 editor its easier to understand how things work now, especially 18 month after developing something with a helpful tutorial. Sadly, with tutorials sometimes you have no clue on what anything does and even if its explained it can go in one ear and out the other again. Another downfall with tutorials is the fact that not all tutorials work the way you need then to or even look the way you want. The only positive is it does open your mind and with persistence you do eventually work things out. So here we are, a new system with the old interface but it works 10,000 times better!....(Phew!)

New items Added Since last Demo

Since our last test demo we have allot of new stuff to impress... Graphics changed, bugs fixed, more open world movement, more ambiance, day night cycle etc, it's exciting ..Well I'm excited! ..So another feature for anyone that played the last demo knows that the amount of items were limited. In our coming demo we are looking at having around 25% to 30% more items added compared to the mere 5%. Adding each item is a painful test since each item must go through a series of test before moving to the next one.

Snippet of Widget Code

Want to make a game? Simple? No its not. Here we have a few widgets that simply add and remove just a few things in IBT. As pretty as the image is, there is allot of logic that goes into bring a world to life; anyways We thought it would be best to show that a game isn't just thought out and created. It must be coded as well. These snippets you see here are only part of the crafting system in IBT. To view the rest there would at least be 15 more images compacted together.

Rock throwing at....chickens?

Have you ever played a game where you could pick up a really good looking rock and throw it? What makes a really good rock? do you like a smooth rock or a rough rock. In IBT we love details so we added a variety of rocks, some throw well, some like crap haha..

What if you could throw it at an animal? No bow, no spear, no weapon but, hey, here is a really nice shaped rock, I wonder if I could hit my lunch on the head?. Scientific research shows that stone shaped objects collected by prehistoric hunters were actually effective throwing weapons to hunt animals so why cant we?

Note* - No chickens were harmed in the making. In fact we love chickens and yeah I would not kill a chicken with a rock even if you asked; but yeah on IBT island these things could be the difference between starving or having something for lunch.

Well, that's it for this week, take care out there and stay safe!

Our Discord channel invite is open to any cryptonian here:
So jump in and drop us a line.

Cheers and enjoy our upgoats below, thanks to a @ryivhnn