IBT Survival Island - Game Idea Contest

This week we are running a contest ontop of providing our normal weekly IBT survival Island update - For those just starting to follow IBT it is a PC game currently being built/created, we are posting weekly on Hive and ultimately we want it to interact with the Hive chain.

...Before we get into the details of the contest here is this weeks progress update, this week we concentrated efforts on movement and form such as couching...Something we want to master, a bit like jumping it will bring lots to the game, like hidden areas to explore, pennies to pickup etc.

More Freedom and movement.

We really have been hard at work this week adding extra movement to the character in IBT. So far we have worked out how to get the character to crouch, crouch and move forward and be able to change camera angles while crouching, and going prone. (Laying flat on your tummy.) We are now working on the ability to go "Prone and creep forward" especially for those tricky little secret areas that give you lots of goodies if you can find them.

Create and name an "item" competition

I must admit its been a while since we have had a competition. For this competition we ask if you can create a "custom item". The item can be boots, gloves, shirt, pants, armour, helmet, rings, backpacks or waist pouches or even belts OR if your imagination is big enough, an item that you can carry that does something "special". (Like a key, potion or even kills you if its mounted!!)

Remember your item can also be used for bonus health, mana or extra armour when carried/worn but that's up to you! (Please include a rough picture/drawing of your items so we can create it and be aware/cautious if its a downloaded image and has copyright, we are after the concept and will attempt to implement your idea as close as we can).

Judging the best item/idea will be undertaken by the IBT Surival island Devs and the bestest!!! item posted as a comment to this post will win!!! The only other rule is you must comment your idea and image below by close/payout of this post.

PRiZeY - The prize will be your item will appear in the game gaurenteed! It's also possible an unspecified amount of Hive gift will appear in your Hive wallet...

Let the contest begin!!! looking forward to reading and viewing some creative item idea comments below :)

Reminder: Our Discord channel invite is open to any cryptonian here: https://discord.gg/Gr3kH9T
So jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing


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