IBT Survival Island - Weekly Update

Welcome to another weekly IBT survival Island update - exclusive to Hive.

In these weekly updates we will continue to provide IBT community members with an update on our developing PC game - the one to have Crypto interactions.

Attack AI.

Well, finally it's time to program the AI to attack after weeks of learning about NPC's (Non Playable Characters).

Some things ended up being complete nightmares while others went as smooth as silk. There were times the AI was too stupid and other times it was too smart (damn! I wish I was as smart as AI, could own the world!!).

Hours of hide and seek games were even played out and at times the AI poked its head around the corner unexpectedly causing many coffee spills and jumping out of skin - Where did that come from?

There are still some minor issues and a few more learning curves but we never expected the AI to be this smart and good at solving problems.

Introduction of AI into animals

Just to save some confusion the AI we have been practicing with has been with human NPC's. The good news is AI with UE4 is transferrable by simply changing the mesh of the character and a few other miscellaneous animations. For the next few weeks there will be a transition of human Npc's to animal Npc's. Though, with future add-ons/DLC's or mods there may be other human survivors you may come across that may be hostile or even friendly and want to trade.

That's it for this week.

Our Discord channel invite is open to any cryptonian here: https://discord.gg/Gr3kH9T
So jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing (score some tasty reserved tokens).


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