Working WowGo

Sometimes you gotta make things work, however you can. And thats what I did with the WowGo. Using parts borrowed from my cousin, I got the board working again.

Pretty Wowgo

The biggest thing was new wheels. As you can see, it now has colorful wheels. Changing that along with the truck to a spare set that he had lying around helped get it to a working state.

I could finally put miles on the board again, and start riding around. Its mostly my commutter to school and it works great at that.

I like these white shoes, don't judge me

Got to ride it to some nice places, like a local lake.

It was very pretty there

The trees were wonderful.

Look at them pretty trees

And I did end up putting miles on my board once that it was working. It's really fun when it works.

73 miles, not too shabby

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