11 MAY 2024


I decided it would be too difficult for me right now, to maintain and hold six separate intentions, so I took the things which are currently most important to me and created one combination intention statement:

I cherish the special relationships I have with all life around me. I am thankful for the kind and loving environment shared among my family, for the friends that add value to my life, and for the crows who continue to give me their trust and affection. I am overwhelmed with joy when I play the quena and yidaki, as I see how incredibly talented I am - I think of a note and play it perfectly and instantaneously, and the crows know the sound of my music and flock to me when I play. I am proud, excited and refreshed because I love how I look in the mirror, and because of how I feel: strong, vibrant, and powerful. Because I see auras and lucid dream regularly, I am viscerally aware of my existence as a spiritual being having a human experience. My vibrations are continually rising as I navigate my life experience, and financial wealth flows to me from all directions.

I will be working with this intention for now - until I decide to change it again - but for the meantime, I feel that this covers a lot.


MaryAnn picked up my yidaki and asked what it is, then proceeded to nlast out a perfect drone - I couldn’t even hear the difference between her inhales and exhales.

I was feeding crows, they were all around me eating peanuts as I scattered them - but one crow, very wise and patient - sat on my shoulder and watched his comrades eat.

There was a woman sitting on my shoulders and holding a box as we walked up a hill. She complained that her arma were getting tired. I ponered at the audacity.

Lucy hid in a mattress cover, i couldnt tell but then all of a sudden it started expanding (HUMONGOUS) and burst and there she was, all teeny and little and laughing :)

I was exploring or working in a strange building…lots of water inside?

Going to some sort of event…running behind/others waiting (went home to change underwear/grab flute and yidaki for the trip)

Found some kind of clay or something, it turned bright orange when i put it in water.


I'm really invested now in my whole "make friends with crows" plan. I've got stashes of unsalted peanuts at my desk, in my car, and in the garage at home. I ordered a plastic crow decoy this week as well ($9 @ Amazon)


...I've been putting peanuts on top of my car every morning when I get to work…

…and also throwing a few handfuls onto the rooftop in front of my parking space. The peanuts on top of the building seem to get eaten, but the ones on my car tend to be overlooked. To help get them to try it, I'm thinking during the work day I will leave the fake crow attached to the top of my car with magnets. I think once they're comfortable taking peanuts from the top of my car, we'll start to see some real progress. In the meantime, I always take the nuts from the top of my car and scatter them around the area when I leave for the day...and they're always gone in the morning. No guarantee that it's crows getting to them, but if it is, hopefully I'm getting them in the habit of expecting good treats in my general area. All one can do is take steps towards the desired outcome, and I think I'm on the right track to making this long dream a reality :)


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