Finland Built an underground city in case Of Nuclear War

So Finland have built a kind of underground city which can help to protect alot of its citizens in case if a nuclear war occurs..

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The fact is that a nuclear war can honestly end a nation in a matter of seconds and that is why it is perfectly normal for any sane government to take wonderful steps which will ensure the safety and also the survival of its people in a situation whereby such tragedy occurs..

Well several people all over the world believes that Finland took that bold step because they are trying to protect their country from any Russian attack .

Whether Russian attack or not , I believe that such decisions from Finland will help to protect their country no matter where the war is coming from and it is a smart idea I must say , I do not know how effective the underground city would be in order to be able to protect the citizens from getting hurt during a nuclear war but I personally think Finland is making a very smart decision and taking a wonderful step..

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