My Freedom of Info Request & On the Lookout for a Lawyer


I do hope enough of the public wakes up before police begin disappearing protesters to the gulags.
Being built in Vic and Qld set to be able to hold thousands.
Extra large showers and roomy ovens I am sure.


Protests are being crushed at inception, if the authority can find an organiser instant jail sentance, think they are using the antiterrorist laws. Totally an abuse of power.
I'm waiting to see what answer I get on the FoI request.
Getting all the docs from others may be good ammo in court.
If we still have a court.


My submission is here:


Still looking for a Lawyer who is up to challenging the NSW Premier and govt on the legality of the masks and lockdowns as the infringe our sovereign rights. Rights the govt should not control, and the fact the police and army are being used to intimidate and coerce people shows they do not have consent of many of us.


It will take a shocker event to wake up joe public. People individually know they are being conned, but 1 in a family will keep quiet to maintain status quo. These are also the one we want to reach as presently they will feel they are the crazy ones.



My concern about the vaccines grows on hearing the are pushing it on younger and younger kids, who we know don't need it so why? I smell rotten fish. From Chants direction I suspect. She and Hazzard must be tried for crimes against NSW citizens.


To aussies in Sydney especially.
You are not crazy.
Whatever the reasons its clearly not about health.
Think critically before making decisions.
Use alt media like bitchute,, crowhouse, blackpidgeon, cause all mainstream will give you fear and what they seem to do best:

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