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Global Elites "Great Reset" - A Great Deflection


The world is staring at a confluence of risk overloads, socioeconomic meltdowns and a Second Great Depression. For the ruling classes, Covid-19 is fortuitously deflecting public attention away from the disastrous consequences of decades of economic mismanagement and wealth fractionation. The consolidation of Big Tech with Big Media has created an Orwellian world where collective hysteria is shifting loci from bogeymen like Russia to those who disagree with the pandemic narrative.
We have entered a “new normal” where Pyongyang, North Korea affords more ambulatory freedom than Sydney, Australia.

While rioting and mass demonstrations by assorted radicals are given a free pass – even encouraged by leaders in the West – Facebook posts questioning lockdowns are deemed subversive. This is a world where Australian Blueshirt's beat up women, manhandle a pregnant woman in her own home and perform wolf pack policing on an elderly lady in a park. Yet, the premier of the Australian state of Victoria remains unfazed by the unflattering moniker of Kim Jong Dan.

The corona-totalitarianism is unsurprisingly most pronounced in the Anglosphere and its dependencies. After all, these nations are staring at socioeconomic bankruptcies of unprecedented proportions vis-a-vis their counterparts. Even their own governments are being systematically undermined from within.

The US Department of Homeland Security, created in the aftermath of 9/11 to combat terrorism, is now providing $10 million in grants to organizations which supposedly combat “far-right extremism and white supremacy.” This will further radicalize leftist malcontents who are razing down US cities and its economies in the name of social justice.

There is however a curious rationale behind this inane policy of How to kill a thriving metropolis in 7 months: NYC’s Covid-19 failure is a vicious spiral directed by a sadistic political regime and a governor who is under a Davos Caba spell, is an apostate of Neofeudal ideology, has the twisted fetish of enjoying the misery and pain of others, is corrupt and been paid to destroy the city or simply an imbecile so stupid and deluded hes split off from world reality and sees only things that fit his fantasy world.

On second though maybe he has a rare virus variant affecting despotic leaders. Australia's Premier of Victoria, Canada's President Trudeau, Ireland's Prime Minister and the California Governor Newman are all acting like souless demon puppets who enjoy hurting people.

Nasty bug if true. Watch for signs of it in your local government. Watch the video below to learn about the Green Mask and Agenda21

Click and take the red pill