We can fix the insanity of climate change, but should we?

IF I believed the pseudo-science called Man Made Global Warming...ER, ummm Global Warming...ahhh or Climate Change; being controlled by carbon dioxide, then I must point out that those levels can be easily changed.

Carbon can be captured, long term, by converting organic matter to pure carbon; for Long term storage! Carbon stored in this manner is totally contained, for centuries; removing it entirely from the global warming equation.

I am looking at this bio-char, because it can be used in a garden to good result to increase plant production naturally!

Image from:



This is bio-char, which is pure carbon. Once properly loaded with bacteria and nutrients, it can be added to a garden; since it is shown to increase the size and volume of the harvest!

That said, if you have reviewed the actual 'science' behind these political claims; or if you've reviewed the actual experiment they supposedly used, then you know that their attempt at 'science', is total trash! They made simple mistakes I would have failed in freshman labs had I used these mistakes myself!

The most egrecious mistake (giving them the benefit of the doubt that it's not deliberate), is that they ignored the variations in the input. This means that they decided that that the Sun's variability is so stable, that it has no effect on changes in temperature here on Earth! Normally in Science all variations in input, are mathematically removed BEFORE Any analysis is attempted; but to support the politics involved, they simply ignore them entirely.

Next they ignore the oceans, which cover two thirds of this planet! Since water is one of the best natural heat absorber known to Mankind, why would we need to include it in a thermal calculation? A lame attempt was one 'scientist' explaining that it was too complex to be modeled....

Then we look at data washing. They are using temperatures recorded a century ago, measured with glass thermometers. This is not in itself a problem, until you realize that they are assigning much greater accuracy to thermometers than they can provide! I have a machine shop, and when I make parts for precision use; I use precision measurement devices. I have never measured a bearing diameter with a tape measure...This is what they have done here. Less accurate readings Can Not be assigned accuracy they don't have, or the results are feces!

Now, we move from science to pure politics. Carbon as a variable to control temperature, is an outlier. By definition, an outlier can not be used to control a process variable! To add insult to injury, carbon dioxide is a self limiting variable. As it rises, more plants grow which consume it; and the levels fall naturally! There are commercial greenhouses that release CO2 into their greenhouses, to increase plant growth. So here's the politics; it can be measured and so it can be taxed, a simple money grab. It is also convenient that since it is naturally correcting, you need only wait until plant growth reduces the levels (after you've stolen trillions in carbon tax money); and claim you lowered the levels with 'mighty' work, and tax investments! Then claim you need more carbon tax money to keep this boogie-man contained. Permanent income, for Nothing; from the scientifically innocent!

This is not my view alone, many good scientists are as disgusted as I am, by this scientific prostitution!

Here is a Nobel prize winner who opposes global warming:


I won't insult you, because I know you can Google this yourself. There are Many Nobel winners, of varied disciplines, that reject this pseudoscience too.

But scientific opposition is squelched by propaganda, just like they did with the COVID-19!

We could store massive amounts of carbon In bio-char, to drive down the CO2 levels; but plants would fail, and then we'd starve. But in a reasonable quantity, it can really help food production volumes; and offset some of the loss of chemical fertilizers.

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