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The Amazing Power of Laziness - Get Your Head Out of Your Ass

Most seem to be hiding from the thing they really want


Attention is a Highly Priced Product

Have you heard the term "attention economy" yet? Well here it is... it's exactly what it sounds like. Our attention is being monetized by all the apps and all the internet surfing we do. It's not something that started recently either... it's an old concept from before TV. Today however it's much stronger, and lost people have no idea what's happening there.

We are being manipulated to keep our attention glued to the screens. And there's a whole economy that revolves around just that!!!

But today's post is not quite about how people are making money grabbing our attention, it's about how people are so lazy and how that may be the very reason why they will never attain the life they wish they could live.

Do You Have What it Takes to Be Great?

In short, yes you do! Everyone does, it's a matter of defining what great means to you, mindset, and your ability to go after what you want.

Not everyone will have the guts to get their heads out of their ass... it takes will power.


You see, it's not enough to want something, to get something. The law of attraction is awesome and it works, but you still need to work to get what you want.

If you really think that wishing for a pile of cash is enough for a pile of cash to just appear without any effort, simply through the law of attraction, you can stop reading right now. You will not have the mindset needed to believe otherwise.

While we're on this Law of Attraction thing, thinking positively is always said to be another usefull tool, but according to neuroscience, we are even more motivated to reach the goals we set for success (whatever that means for you, there are many many levels of success) when we think about the negative outcomes of not reaching said goals.

It's really just a matter of being consistant in realizing your goals. There are a lot of different proven methods out there for successfully achieving that. One I like a lot is to break down your ultimate goal into smaller goals... in other words ask yourself what will you need to do, what steps will you need to take to reach that goal. Brake it down bit by bit and reassess your position every week to make sure you're on the right path.

Knowing what your goal is, knowing what you want, that alone takes a lot of effort. Can you imagine how much work is involved is realizing that? Yeah so that alone (no matter how small that goal may be) is an exercise that most lazy people will never get off the couch for, even if threatened with a recession or poverty.

Again, I say that yes everyone has what it takes to be great, as long as you works for it.

Laziness and Social Media

So I say that laziness is what kills motivation in people. I'm pretty sure just about everyone would like to have a good life, to live well, be happy and healthy. Maybe I'm delusional, but I truly think no one actually wants to be miserable.


The Human brain is really good at hiding pain (mental and physical) from the self. It's great at numbing the bad feelings and we memories we have. That's exactly what the attention economy is all about, it's about grabbing your attention away from your real thoughts. It banks on your being distracted with other people's lives. Even if it is something you're interested in, if it takes your time away from making the moves you need to make to achieve goals, then it's doing a good job.

Now of course there's nothing wrong with looking things up to learn from them, there's nothing wrong with immersing yourself in the subject you want to learn more about, but at some point you need to get off youtube and twitter to practice the skills or businesses you're into. Watching, listening an learning without action is just as bad as not doing any of it.

The hard part is not getting distracted with mind numbing content that results in hours of scrolling through the void... that will only feed the laziness that keeps you from doing the things you truly want to do, and good luck realizing the goals that will lead you to living the life you want to live!!!

The same goes with TV, the News and gossip in general... what is it good for? Ask yourself that and observe how much time is spent there too, because it's another attention grabber that will not serve you in a positive matter.

You have to recognize that you're wasting precious time at some point, or else you'll find it is too late to make dreams come true... Laziness is often masked by what feels good.

Wrapping it up

We are all very easily manipulated, and there are tons of very well developed methods that keep us down in this gutter of distraction from ourselves. Some of these are so old, they evolved to a point where we now self sabotage our own freedom of thought. In order to get out of this mindset, we need to take that harder road, the path of resistance. I hate to sound like a cliché, but our own comforts are exactly what is making us weak and lazy.


I wrote a piece yesterday on Self-Reliance and Why Most Will Never Seek to be Free, I had some great comments to that post, but the best point that was brought up is the fact that if you want to sray away from the main stream (which seems to be the best rout to success, in many forms of the word) Normalcy will hate you, and that absolutely keeps people from realizing their dreams.

So do yourself a favor and stop worrying about what other people think, and start attacking your list of goals like your life depends on it... There's no time to loose.


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And don't forget… Dreams Come True!