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We Question Everything


We were told to trust the science
but we question everything now.

We were asked to show our support,
but we were made afraid - confused
midnight proclamations, separated,
masked and locked down.

We question everything now.

We observe as only pawns on a chessboard can.
We can be found debating and challenging the logic.
We want it stated we object to/question this game altogether.

We suspect our best interests are coincidental
and have misgivings about the sort of suppression going on.

We continually search for what is being hidden.


We disbelieve the numbers and we distrust the tests
We probe the vaccines, the pros and the cons.

We study the studies. We interpret the data.
We query the links between money and power.

We brainstorm, we theorise, we pool our resources.

We doubt Dr Fauci.
We distrust Bill Gates.
We fear the New World Order has their foot in the door.
We deliberate their descent.


We question everything; the pounds in our pocket,
the value of our homes, the freedom to travel, the choice to eat bacon.
We are controversial, we are without faith.
We are hard to believe for we’ve been labeled.
We can be argumentative, forgetting how lost folks are.

We are the skeptics, the not born yesterday brigade.
We have no bridges to sell.
We are vigilant, conscious
rejecting the road to tyranny.

We question the apprehension of others
as the chessboard is about to be upended
and the game reset.

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