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The Great Covid Illusion

Public domain
Feel perplexed? At a loss, baffled, ignored, ridiculed, alarmed and/or grossly invalidated? You've probably come into contact with one of the hypnotised masses to be found so regularly in our society these days.

According to Matthias Desmet, a professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University, we have entered the stage of mass formation. He claims about 30% of the population are completely hypnotised by the fear driven narrative regarding the pLandemic, about 50% are just following that lead of that hypnotised minority, and about 30% are in opposition.

Matthias Desmet

If you are reading this there is a very high chance you are in the resistance. You’ll certainly not be in the most hypnotised group.


The masses have become so brainwashed by the ubiquity of the propaganda driving Covid derangement syndrome. If it’s being said everywhere it must be true! I have seen intelligent, thoughtful people falling prey. Healthy scepticism has died a death and been replaced by the rule of the moronic.

This particular mass formation has appealed to those on the left especially. It has appealed to their sense of collectivism and need for solidarity. Everything that has been taken away by the assault on unions and the working class under Thatcher/Reagan.

Professor Desmet goes as far as saying that those in the top 30% had probably the least amount of meaning and purpose in their lives. This pLandemic has given them that and is a core reason why they will continue to hold to the official narrative even as it is breaking down around them.

This pLandemic has been organised

There are those with a clear agenda to exert more and more control over populations. The rulers in charge are being driven by vast narcissistic egos and this can be reflected in the observable characteristics of the brainwashed masses.

When discussing events with them they can become quite emotionally triggered. The government’s Ministry of Fear and media hype has worked this emotional angle so as to stop people from thinking things through.

There is a singular need to be right at all times. There is one solution – my way! This need to be right persistently drills down to an ego that demands significance. For this reason imperfections and flaws can’t be admitted to.

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These folks are going to decry that all they are doing is for the public good – they have turned/created the “opposition” therefore into people who stand in the way of the public good. History has shown us that the masses can be directed towards any number of atrocities against their fellow man whilst still holding to the belief they are doing good.

It really is a waste of your breath and effort to convince them logically otherwise. Forget science, evidence, argument, nuance. Forget them saying “That’s a good point”. Instead you will either likely get talking over you, jumping from point to point. This is open aggression. Or that glazed look of passive aggression. However all this really signals is oblivious ignorance.

The typical thinking exhibited by the hypnotised is no forethought of the outcome of their close-minded approach. They are currently stuck in per-adolescent thinking – again observe how the mainstream media clearly treat people as children. Spoon-fed information as children they remain stuck and unable to grow.

It’s a strange phenomena to behold – a mix of apathy and ego.

It’s at once very sad that these people were so lacking in their lives that they have seized hold of this unaware of the plans of the New World Order. Of course you can’t tell them this, they’ve currently lost the ability to consider the consequences of both their actions and their inaction.

Stuck in their own dysfunction they will increasingly make it about us – the opposition – the resistance. What we need to learn is that we don’t need their approval, their directions, their absurd rules. As for the 30% - well that’s on them.

We are beginning to witness more and more people waking up from the hypnotism. The 50% who tend to go along to get along are seeing this pLandemic for what it is – a power grab. For both ourselves, and them, we need to keep on speaking up.

