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A letter to the Covid Deranged Left

I think I've just been getting things off my chest with local people that I know by writing open letters to them. In this current state of mass psychoses I don't think it is possible to reach many people through logic and reason. People have to wake up for themselves to see the hype for what it is. However, it's important that our voices continue to be heard.

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Masixole Feni

This letter is directed at the left because they have been in the forefront of leading this war against Covid, despite proclaiming not to trust big pharma or the government.

Dear [insert name of socialist],

I am disturbed by your ringing endorsement of vaccines as the answer to Covid.

First of all, vaccines do not prevent people catching or transmitting the virus.

Secondly, natural immunity from having had Covid provides much greater protection than the vaccines do.

Thirdly, governments across the world and apex public health bodies have completely failed to promote policies that would strengthen peoples immune systems e.g. exercise, good diet, plenty of rest and sleep, vitally important medicines such as vitamin D and C.

Governments and apex health bodies such as the CDC, NIH have endorsed toxic drugs such as Remdesivir based on 1 medical trial. The WHO's solidarity trial has since come out against the drug as not only does it not work but many patients find it quite toxic. Yet hospitals across the world, including the UK, use Remdesivir to treat Covid patients.

Meanwhile, there has been an international campaign to demonise cheap, ultra safe repurposed drugs which are the key to ending the pandemic. These range from Fluvoxamine, Colchicone , Ivermectin, HQL, I could go on.

The most startling case is that of Ivermectin which has 64 medical trials proving its efficacy as a prophylactic and treatment for Covid-19. I would refer you to the work of Professor Paul Marik of EVMS, who is one of the most highly published intensive care specialists in the world, on the efficacy, cheapness and ultra safe nature of Ivermectin. Analysis proves Ivermectin to be superior to any other anti viral out there.

Ivermectin is used in dozens of low income countries particularly in Africa. Scientists from the UK/USA puzzle over the low infection rates while Africa has very low vaccination rates. Ivermectin use is very widespread across Africa and has been for decades.

Epidemiologist Dr. Juan Chamie has produced date to show that the highest Covid infection rates are in the wealthiest countries with the highest rates of vaccination where there are no effective anti virals available to treat the illness and have high levels of inflammatory illnesses caused by unhealthy lifestyle.

Epidemiological evidence from the Indian state of Utter Pradesh, population 241 million, and Mexico City reveals how Ivermectin has crushed infection rates and emptied hospitals of Covid patients.

Utter Pradesh has 10 new Covid cases meanwhile Tamil Nadu which does not distribute Ivermectin has 719 new cases

Your analysis also ignores the immense harm caused by vaccines as noted by the VAERS system in the US. Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA vaccine technology and world reknown cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough have both talked about this issue and faced tremendous censorship and attacks from the media. If the vaccines are so safe then remove the liability protection that the drug companies have.

The current crop of vaccines are leaky, non sterilizing vaccines that only stimulate one part of the immune system. They don't prevent people catching or transmitting Covid-19. Much better and safer vaccines are needed going forward.

Yet we have lock downs of the unvaccinated going on in Austria. Next year Germany and Austria, who should know better considering their Nazi heritages, are going to force people to take vaccines which is a blatant violation of the Nuremburg Medical Code developed after the trials of Nazi doctors at the end of WW2.

Governments pursuing such measures are pursuing a policy of divide and rule meanwhile they are free to pursue reactionary social and economic policies.

The Left appears unable to link up the regulatory capture of public health agencies by big pharma and the complete failure of the many health policies promoted by governments across the world. Ordinary people across Europe in their hundreds of thousands are protesting vaccine passports yet most of the Left will not even cover these protests that are overwhelming working class. Look at the dockers in Trieste blockading the port in protest at the vaccine passport of the Italian government.

Capitalism is going into a decade of extreme crisis in the 2020s. its complete failure to deal with Sars-Cov 2 does not bode well for dealing with much bigger issues over the next period.

From Progressive Conversation
