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Mask-Wearing Requirements Not About Safety

(Source: CNBC)

As can be seen in the headline above, airlines in America are now requiring passengers to wear masks in order to be allowed to fly. This is being imposed upon passengers by the airlines directly, not via federal mandate.

“Carriers are trying to protect passengers and crew from Covid19.” This is the ‘official’ reason being given for this new corporate tyranny, however firsthand experience by people flying demonstrates this is absolutely not the case at all. If the masks are not worn by the passengers throughout the duration of the flight, but only during takeoff, then this requirement is doing nothing to protect anyone from any airborne virus. And yet this is exactly what has been observed.

I have a friend in Montana whose fiancé just flew to California over the weekend, and she reported that masks were indeed required by passengers in order to be allowed on the flight, and they were required to be worn before the pilot would take off, enforced by the flight crew; but then once the plane was airborne, just about everybody took their masks off for the entire duration of the flight, and the flight crew did not object or attempt to enforce the ‘requirement.’

Apparently, either Covid19 can only be spread on airplanes during boarding and takeoff, or the mask-wearing ‘requirement’ really has nothing to do with safety, and rather everything to do with making a public show.

Much like the increased ‘security’ measures imposed on post-9/11 flight travel, which were a tyrannical nightmare for passengers but weren’t effective at actually stopping weapons from being smuggled onto planes, so are these new airline measures a new tyranny for passengers that at least on some airlines do nothing to ‘protect’ passengers from ‘Covid19’. In both cases, however, a great show was put on in the new fight against the invisible boogeyman. After 9/11, that boogeyman was ‘terrorists’. Now, that boogeyman is ‘Covid19’.

The entire scamdemic has been full of similarly useless guideline after guideline, and ‘requirement’ after ‘requirement’, that, when scrutinized, betray the truth of the matter: That they truly have nothing to do with ‘public safety’ or ‘stopping the spread of the virus’ as is claimed, and rather everything to do with creating a show and controlling the hypnotized slaves. From the social distancing pushed by politicians who were always exempt, to business shutdowns which excluded corporate chains, to military travel bans for troops which for some reason didn’t apply to troops being deployed abroad, to these recent airline mask-wearing requirements, the message is clear.

Either Covid19 is the most selective virus ever witnessed on earth - which politicians and foreign deployed troops are immune from catching or spreading; which only spreads in small businesses but not corporate chains; and which only spreads on airlines during takeoff - or none of this nonsense has anything to do with public safety and stopping the spread of a virus.

It seems to me that the latter is the much more reasonable scenario, and that Covid19[84] is the new 9/11.