Don't feed the animals

I have a great idea. Let's stop feeding what we don't want to grow! This reminds me of a wolf analogy from some movie... wikipedia even has an entry on 'Two Wolves'


Here is a line from a zerohedge article that made me think of not feeding the worser wolves of our nature:


And it doesn't even mention bailing out banks! Ironically, the richest and most morally hazardous sectors of our economy are 'too big to fail', while we can continue to read each day about small businesses around the US and the rest of the covid-crazy world being 'just right' to fail.


It can seem so final. Is there anything left to do except roll over and accept it, just die and get out of the way?


I think there is a lot to do. And it starts with choosing which wolf to feed.

Your money, time, attention and focus are all feeding this 'dark wolf', but its easy enough to stop. Turning off the television could be a first step. Realigning your priorities to local realities. Build your life, your garden and/or your family. Meditate and Educate.

Can I say something controversial? Paying taxes is immoral in the most general sense. I would be willing to rethink the idea if someone could show me some 'moral government' that is deserving of taxes. Paying property tax is probably good, but I would pay attention to what the local council is getting up to!

Paying state taxes, I suppose that would depend on your state. But at this point, paying federal taxes just a bad habit.


The easiest way to not pay taxes and not make anybody mad at the same time, is to not make very much money. In the US, if you make less than 13,000 USD per year, you can very easily not pay taxes! In each country its a little different, but generally there is a low-income window of zero-taxes. This is the sweet spot.

If you think it is honorable to pay taxes, I have news for you - YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

I am sorry to be so blunt, but I hope it will help you wake up to the fact that there is nothing honorable about it, and you have been duped. Those taxes implicitly support a corrupt regime and their evil schemes, again I can only confirm this for the few governments I know of, but I'm pretty sure I am talking about at least 99% of current 'federal' world leaders.

If you would protest, just stop paying your taxes instead. This is an approach I would love to see from both 'sides of the aisle'.

Freedom and Friendship!

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