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Facing a nationwide shortage, Canada releases their strategic reserves.... of maple syrup

We are seeing a lot of bad things happen in the world right now and a lot of it has to do with the actions or reactions by government in relation to Covid. In the United States the President authorized the government to tap into the strategic reserves of oil to help with skyrocketing prices of fuel. I find it funny that Canada has a different crisis, but also one that is really important to them.


Just like I am sure it happens in reverse, us Americans poke fun at our neighbors to the north on a regular basis. I think that for the most part it is light-hearted and not meant to hurt anyone's feelings but all you have to do is watch a couple episodes of South Park to understand that there is a bit of a rivalry there between Canada and the USA to understand that the rivalry is real, but also generally very polite. This politeness is probably mostly due to the Canadian tradition of being nice and if there was ever a quality for an entire nation to have that is admirable, this would be it.

It doesn't mean that we can't laugh at certain crises that arise and how important it becomes.

I didn't even know that a nation would even have strategic reserves of maple syrup but Canada does have one, and they released 50 million pounds of the stuff in the past week because of outrage over there being a shortage of supply on the shelves of grocery stores.

When I try to think of some consumable that the US would react in a similar way about I have difficulty coming up with something although Covid taught us that it is probably toilet paper. I think beer would probably enact a similar response but that wouldn't be country-specific.... that would be almost everyone in the world.


While I was reading about this crisis and what the reaction to it was I found out something that is totally new information to me and that is that Quebec in Canada produces around 70% of the total global supply of maple syrup and the shortage is due to a number of things including that 2021's spring was a strange one and this is the only time of year that the trees can be tapped to obtain the sticky sweet stuff. I would imagine that this lacadasical season has already been blamed on climate change when Greta Thunberg couldn't get any syrup for her ethically-sourced waffles.

Let's hope that whatever the issue is, that they can get it sorted out because unlike the USA's release of just a small portion of their oil reserves, Canada used up a whole 50% of their overall maple syrup stash to deal with this crisis.

Normally I would have my "dumb" logo at the bottom of this but I don't consider this, or Canadians to be dumb, this is just a funny story.
