Let's avoid being censored.

Let's avoid being censored.


Just as we find ourselves constantly without constantly going out to a circus, another circus, another circus, we find ourselves experiencing events that the truth is we never thought we would experience.

In any social network, be it Twitter or Facebook, you are censored, to avoid this you have to take sufficient precautions so that it is not eliminated or censored, you will tell me how we do it, one of the ways is to go to the official sources, no more Not least, because the official sources are beginning to confirm everything that we have been warning about, so if you quote official sources from organizations and official media, what are they going to tell you! that you are giving fake news, no, impossible because they are the ones who gave the news.


So today when everything is already on the table and even the best-selling media cannot hide the truth, it is when more than ever we have to start spreading what we have been censored at some point.

We have all gone through censorship, they block you for 30 days, for sharing, for what makes them uncomfortable, let's try to be strategic, let's try to be a little smart and a little calmer, because it's no use being stunned, brutish, angry, euphoric and that censors you, it is better to say things with a little delicacy and be able to say them, than to try to express yourself and in less than a second they shut you up.


It is something that has no logic under any point of view, so let's try to be intelligent in the way we speak, in the way we show you the things we want to demonstrate, let's try to have that insight, that cunning.

If he censors you for posting an image of a sheep with a chinstrap, avoid that; let's try to be a little less invasive, yes I know that this is the message that can really impact, but I do know that they are going to remove it in a second so putting it on knowing that they are going to remove it, it is as if I am going to skip the building Let's see what happens being on a tenth floor. we already know what will happen.

If you know that you are going to destroy yourself, if you know that you are going to be silenced, why put that, let's put other things that leave the viewer thinking, so that they question and use free will, that they leave to free interpretation, so no they can touch us and we can also express what we want to express and in a perhaps a little softer way so that at the same time it is not so shocking in the other, in the psychology of the other.

Because other times when they see such a strong message, what happens, directly generates the controversy to what we want, then the person instead of looking and analyzing, laughed and I just don't want to see this; produces a shock; then let us avoid that shock both for others and for ourselves.

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