The border nonsense is just maddening

I would be willing to bet that if you have / had any liberal friends back in 2016-2020 they were at one point shouting from the mountaintops about how awful Donald Trump's handling of the people flooding across the border was. I am sure they were sharing pictures of kids in cages and how inhumane this is and crying big fat liberal tears as they got "likes" from equally demented people who also were so stricken with Trump Derangement Syndrome that they couldn't see the forest from the trees.


They treated this situation as if if were DJT himself running the show down there and that for every little kid that you saw with one of those space blankets on it was the President himself that made that exact situation happen. They used this to call him racist, they used it to call him inhumane, they used images that weren't even from the facilities that they were talking about and they used images that were taken years before Trump was even president.

Now that Trump is no longer president it doesn't seem to matter to the media very much or the blowhard celebrities that would talk endlessly about how it was directly Trump's fault this was happening, that the situation down there isn't as bad as it was before... IT is much much worse.


Then of course there was the wonderful grandstanding on the part of politicians, most notably this laughable staged event with AOC where she was in tears after viewing the horrible conditions that these poor babies and mothers are having to go through because Trump is so racist and doesn't care about black and brown people!

Of course it was later revealed that the fence she is bawling at was actually a moveable sliding gate and the other side of it contained and empty parking lot but whatever right? Facts don't matter... feelings do.

Then you have almost certainly seen this viral video of this lady attempting to block a Texas Senator from even viewing the facilities.


The staffer, who has not yet been doxed as far as I know, is trying to block one of the most powerful people in Texas from even viewing the conditions that these people are currently living in. His video had the desired effect and even the usual suspects as far as protecting anything and everything that democrats and especially Biden do, have been calling the fact that the media and the public are not having any access to these facilities is unjustifiable.

You gotta work pretty hard to get CNN's big fat bald clown that is Brian Stelter to talk about the Biden admin in anything other than the most praising ways, but that is exactly what happened.


Now I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea here, I do not lament what sort of conditions these people in the facilities are living under. You broke the law and honestly, the fact that anyone thinks these people would or should be entitled to luxury accommodation can suck eggs in my opinion. Whether or not you believe in the US or any other country's border policies is irrelevant to this discussion. The fact of the matter is that there are rules, and if you do not like those rules, you get in trouble for violating them.

The thing I find upsetting about all of this is the stark contrast between how it is being exhibited in both social media and by regular media. Almost no one is attempting to pin any of this on the Biden administration despite the fact that the people are literally turning up at the border with Biden T-shirts on.

People in the media and in the Biden administration will almost certainly try to somehow blame this on Trump even though the numbers were going way down when he was in charge and one of the first things that Sleepy Joe did was to make executive orders (that he almost certainly had drafted for him) negating the policies at the border including ceasing construction of the border wall.

This isn't necessarily entirely Biden's doing but he hasn't helped. You can bet your bottom dollar that his staff and the media that does his bidding is going to spin this in such a way that it will be dizzying. I know they are going to lie, but at this point is just becomes a question of how big of a lie and how obvious it is going to be.

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