Crypto Anxiety? Allow Your Mind To Read This Now!


This article is a small gift in itself and I hope it will offer you a high value.

We all had, at least once, anxiety, when we could not stop negative thoughts and get out of the state of panic we felt.


It is not surprising that more and more people today show anxiety. The manner in which we live our lives is becoming more and more alert, and the social, family and financial pressure are increasing, as we aim to perform at the top in all aspects of our lives.
Covid-ish timeline, stress, switching to ew limiting global rules, not knowing what is true and what's not related to the pandemics, vaccines, staying in so much...
Some want to be perfect parents, successful businessmen/women, or model employees, some want to earn well but also to have time for the family. Somewhere, in all these mechanics and their desires, it is impossible not to have anxiety or, worse, panic attacks.

Do you have crypto anxiety?
source and a very nice website

Anxiety treatment

(Scroll down to the mindmap gift if you're not interested YET in the natural remedies.)

Everyone wonders "how to get rid of anxiety", not realizing that this is primarily a state unconsciously generated by our body, not being a "disease" in the true sense of the word. Therefore, the first step is to change your attitude. We must learn not to "whip" ourselves anymore and to accept the fact that we are human and have our own limitations, to look at things more detachedly and with more indulgence.

Then, a few simple lifestyle changes can help us. It is good to avoid caffeine and excess medication, eat healthily, try to sleep more and exercise moderately. Also, relaxation techniques, including meditation, give very good results.

In addition, we can try to treat anxiety with herbs. There are many plants with anxiolytic and calming effects that can work wonders in relieving stress and anxiety. Whether it is a state of anxiety or nervousness or a panic attack in all respects, herbs can help us calm down and regain balance and well-being.


Lavender works as an anxiolytic (calms anxiety) and as a sedative, to increase relaxation and calm and help install and maintain a good sleep. Lavender interacts with certain neurotransmitters in the brain centers associated with emotions, thus reducing negative feelings, stress, and anxiety. It is also effective in reducing the level of cortisol - the stress hormone.

Lemon balm

It has stress-relieving effects, helps us relax, and stimulates our mood! It is excellent in reducing the symptoms of anxiety, especially nervousness and excitability and is very good for relieving sleep disorders, especially when combined with valerian.

Interestingly, lemon balm is also used as a digestive tonic and, in combination with anxiolytic effects, helps relieve the effects of stress on the digestive tract.

Unfreeze Yourself! 1 more gift.


Sure, there are more of them BUT this is not entirely an article about the use of plants for anxiety.
Remember that I was telling you that anxiety can be fixed in several ways?
Changing your beliefs, shifting your perspective, working with your mindset and hacking FEAR will help even more.

Here. I have developed this mindmap a while back and I have posted it some time ago to help others as well, writing more about anxiety and mental health.
Feel free to use it, read it from top right down until you reach the top on the left side.
In case you need a larger version, let me know and I will create a download link from my Dropbox for you.


If you decide to use this mindmap and want to share the results with me in a post or in a comment, I'll make sure to send you a nice reward. But you'll have to follow the steps I have designed for you in there and tell me how EACH of them has helped you.

With care,


Have a wonderful weekend!


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