Raising my kids

I grew up in a home where fear of our mom was the other of the day. It's not as if she was scary but she was strict when it comes to discipline. Whenever she goes out everyone feels free but at the same time we will be on the look out for when she will come back. Everyone was scared of my mom even my friends, though as much as I feared her I could still talk to her although it's not about everything.
I don't want such life for my children, I want them to be free with me so they can talk to me.

I'll never impose my own dreams and aspirations onto my children. I believe that each child is unique, with their own passions and interests. Instead of pushing them towards my own goals, I'll encourage them to explore their own talents and pursue their own dreams, whatever they may be.

I'll never use fear or intimidation as a means of discipline. Discipline is important, but I believe it should be done with love and respect. I'll strive to create an environment where my children feel safe to express themselves and learn from their mistakes, rather than fearing punishment.

Another thing I'll never do is compare my children to others. Each child is on their own journey, and comparing them to their peers only creates unnecessary pressure and insecurity. Instead, I'll celebrate their individual strengths and accomplishments, no matter how big or small.

I'll never prioritize material possessions over experiences and memories. In today's society, it's easy to get caught up in consumerism and the pursuit of material wealth. However, I believe that true happiness comes from experiences and relationships, not from the things we own. I'll prioritize creating meaningful experiences with my children, whether it's traveling, exploring nature, or simply spending quality time together.

I'll never neglect my children's emotional well-being. In addition to providing for their physical needs, I'll also prioritize their mental and emotional health. I'll create an open and supportive environment where my children feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings, and I'll always be there to listen and offer guidance when needed.

I'll never underestimate the importance of teaching my children empathy and compassion. In a world that can sometimes feel harsh and unforgiving, I believe it's crucial to instill in them a sense of kindness and empathy towards others. I'll lead by example and teach them the value of treating others with respect and compassion, regardless of their differences.

I'll never forget to show my children unconditional love and acceptance. No matter what challenges they may face or mistakes they may make, I'll always be there to support and love them unconditionally. I'll remind them that they are worthy of love and belonging just as they are, and that my love for them will never waver.

I''ll never impose my own dreams onto them, use fear or intimidation as a means of discipline, compare them to others, prioritize material possessions over experiences, neglect their emotional well-being, underestimate the importance of empathy and compassion, or forget to show them unconditional love and acceptance. My dream child-raising will be rooted in love, respect, and the belief that each child is unique and deserving of happiness and fulfillment.
*all images are mine. *

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