Two years later, the miracle happened

He wasn’t someone that’s quickly affected by the weather conditions or even stress. In fact, most times when he was stressed, the only cure to the stress was enough sleep, and then he would be back to himself. However, that particular year, something changed in him that he never understood.

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The illness started in a way nobody understood, even the sick person. He wondered what he did wrong that made him fall sick so deeply that he frequented the hospital to find healing, but he didn’t understand anything. He temporarily stopped his business which he thought was stressing him out after which he permanently stopped when there was no change. At some point, he got tired and paid zero attention to the ailment. Then, it happened.

In no time, the ailment snowballed into something huge that his family, friends, and even lecturers in school wondered what could’ve happened to him. His departmental mates, on noticing that he wasn’t in school for a long period made a call through only to be met by his dad who informed them that he had been on hospital admission for about a week. Everyone was worried about him and was wondering what went wrong.

He was never a sick person. He was a lively soul and was the best student in the class. Five years in school, he had never had any serious illness that would make him get admitted to the hospital for a long time. What could have happened?

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He, on the other hand, struggled so much to stay alive despite the trouble he was undergoing. He tried to understand the ailment, but there was no way he would have an answer because even the doctors were dumbfounded. They had never seen something of such before and it was strange.

The symptoms were like the cases they’ve seen before in patients with lungs ailment, however, it was lacking the wheezing sound of the lungs. It was strange that they had to rule out asthma. Another of the doctors thought it might be something relating to the brain, so he recommended expensive tests for him, however, he had spent so much money on tests and medications earlier, so neither his parents nor him could afford the tests, but his course mates miraculously came through for him.

He didn’t inform them that he needed the money, he just woke up to credit alerts from different individuals from his class followed by calls of prayers and good wishes. It was such a miracle. So, he went for the tests and came back to present the result, but still… nothing. Again, confusion.

At some point, he stopped going to the hospital and assumed what was wrong with him was asthma even though deep down, he knew that his ailment had no name.

For two years, he lived with this unknown ailment while trying daily to survive. He changed routine, changed ambition, got admitted to the hospital on various occasions, got weaker in body and soul, and almost gave up on life because his life made absolutely no sense to him anymore. Everything he planned to do got ruined because of his lack of energy to start anything and finish it. All the money he had kept going to different hospitals.

He cried, day and night for a miracle, but it seemed like the world was against him. He was tired. He submitted to life and just wanted to die. He tried to pray, but he couldn’t find the words. It seemed the heavens totally forgot he was part of their creation.

One day, he got a call from his brothers. They had requested his presence at home. He wondered where he would get the strength to travel home from, but miraculously, he travelled home to meet his brothers. Someone had seen his brothers and mentioned him that was about six hours away from them. According to him, the man told his brothers that “they had a sick brother that should meet him as soon as possible”.

On seeing the man, the prayer sessions happened, and the unknown ailment that he’s nurtured for over two years disappeared.

I’ve always believed in miracles. However, this experience of my friend strengthened my belief further. I can narrate this story like this because I was an active part of the journey.

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This is my entry to InLeo prompt for the month of September. Find the details here

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