It's Meow Day!


“A cat may be sluggish but never afraid, you can be sure it’s about to pounce on its prey!”- Samuel Fatokun

Cats and dogs, as sworn enemies with different funny qualities, still remain at the top on my list of "animals I am curious about". I wonder how they can be so intelligent and smart. Maybe apes and their family would have been on my list, but I think I’ve been privileged to take a closer look at cats and dogs, I have not been able to live in a zoo as a baboon (lol). The portable life I live has given me the chance to date a vet doctor. So, that’s how I got a better look at cats and dogs. (Nigerians will understand this paragraph better, smiles).


I think I’ll choose to learn the language of a cat because I don’t understand “those guys” (smiles). They can be so well calculated! Like they have a history with Einstein or something, they are so smart, and despite the size of a dog, have you seen the battle between a cat and a dog? It’s often sense vs. strength, respectively.

Another day I saw a cat in action was when we bought chicken and decided to wash it in our compound as opposed to the normal routine of washing it in the house. This was around 7:30 p.m. at night. After washing, I only went in to pick a bowl that would be a better container for the large chunks of the meat. All I saw was the tail of the 'thief' climbing over our fence with a large piece of chicken in its mouth! How the cat got to the area unnoticed and left unchallenged still remains a question I can’t answer. I’ll really love to ask the cats, how was that made possible?


Cats are generally flexible and agile. Only a few of their species grow to the size of a dog, but they possess better length and the ability to climb. I’ve seen cute cats, but I’m yet to see a cat that doesn’t have the tendency to be creepy. Apart from making funny sounds at night, they have this caution in their steps and this majestic vibe they seem to enjoy anytime they are on the move. They can be so fast you’ll wonder ‘what just passed’ and be so slow you’ll think they're mimicking a snail. This combination of opposite skills, so well genetically arranged and probably learned, are things I’ll love to learn from the cats!


I think cats have a way of living with humans without really depending on them. Either through stealing, as earlier stated, or some even get lucky being kept as pets, while others may find their daily bread in poultry farms or small-scale agricultural environments. Not forgetting the ability to kill rats as food and other rat-like delicacies on their menu. Even if I am to make a choice of a suitable pet, I will choose a cat because, as funny, cunny, and dicey as a cat can be, I can’t remember hearing a news where it attacked its owner or killed a human. I think dogs have their record on that, after stealing the title as man’s best friend! (lol) In case you see any of my writeup start with a 'meow', just know I took learning the language seriously! Dogs too have their good sides, but for today, it's 'meow' all the way.

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