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What kind of student was I?

Read along I'll tell you about it.

I was someone who's more reserved, loves to spend time alone, always wonders on her own, and is a bit shy and timid as well. Yeah, more like an introvert; that's exactly who I was in secondary school. I'll share with you a short story about how this made me ridicule myself.


Back then in school, when I was in SS1 class, it was a boarding school. I did beg Mom that I didn't want to be a boarder, but she insisted that I should become one so as to improve my lifestyle, make new friends, and be socialised as well. I accepted reluctantly because I knew mom only did the things she did for a lovely reason.

Ss1 class shared the same block with SS3, and trust me, it wasn't easy for us because they finally found someone they could use as their perfect errands student or bully, especially for those students that couldn't say no to them because they feared being punished. The class block was a two-story building; the ground and last floor, SS3, stayed on the ground floor.

I could still remember how sunny and hot the temperature was that day. I was in my class trying to study, but I couldn't because it was so noisy and I couldn't understand a single bit of what I was reading. It was a free period as there was no teacher. So I gathered a few notes and headed to the library to study.


On my way downstairs, I bumped into an SS3 student because I wasn't looking up, so I wouldn't mistakenly make eye contact with any senior student. With reasons for being called for unnecessary errands. But I felt unfortunate when I bombed into her because it felt as though it was my end. I quickly apologised and wanted to walk away, but she stopped me immediately and asked where I was heading in such a hurry. 'I quickly responded that I was heading to the library' and "she replied," Oh, so your such a bookworm, follow me, I have something for you.

On hearing that, my heart started pondering seriously. God knows, I felt like fainting immediately because of all the places in the school; the SS3 classroom is the one class I don't wish to go into, and that was exactly where she was taking me. As usual, I couldn't refuse, so I followed her upstairs. She took me to her class, just as I thought. Immediately she entered, I joined her, and the next thing I heard was, 'My friend, will you go outside and take permission now before you enter this class?' and I just jumped out, already shivering in fear.


Then I got permission and went inside. Immediately after I entered, a question was thrown at me. The first one was, 'If the walls of a bungalow were painted red, what would be the colour of the staircase'? I quickly replied, 'that there's no staircase in a bungalow' and the senior was like, "Wow, she's really smart, and for the first time, I blushed in a senior class.

Then they asked me another question. 'If a fire started with Block A and slowly rolled into Block B, and then an ambulance is called, which of the blocks will they put out fire first and why'? I waited for awhile, then replied, 'First, a fire service will be called to put out the fire, then they'll start with block B because the fire just rolled in there; it wouldn't be as serious as in block A, so to protect goods, we start with block B before block A'. After saying that, a senior student clapped for me with my high sense of IQ, and once again, I blushed. I wasn't shivering again in fear, but I had this beautiful feeling of being honoured by my seniors, but deep down, I wanted to leave the class immediately, and just as I was about to step out of the class, a senior student from behind shouted!

Before you go answer this, 'Do you have a cerebrum'? Since she was far away and I couldn't really get her, I thought she asked if I had a storybook, and I replied, 'Yes, I do' and there were like, wow, brilliant kids. Then the next thing that happened was that I was asked where it was located, and I quickly replied that it's in my locker because I thought they were talking about my storybook, and with that, the whole class burst into great laughter.


Everyone was laughing so hard that I felt bad and ran out of the class without looking back. When I got back to the class looking really upset and sad, my friend that was also in the class with her school mother came to inquire why I would say that my cerebrum is in the locker, and I told her I was talking about my storybook, and moreso, I didn't know what a cerebrum is, and she defined that a cerebrum is the upper part of the brain, and because I told them it's in the locker, that was why they were laughing so hard.

After that scenario, I learned to be more conscious of my academic abilities and began to push myself to excel. I also learned to speak up for myself and not let others take advantage of me. However, I still maintained my introverted nature and spent most of my free time reading and studying. As I progressed through secondary school, I found a balance between being social and focusing on my studies. I joined clubs and extracurricular activities that interested me while still maintaining good grades.
Looking back, I am grateful for that experience, as it helped shape me into the person I am today, confident in my abilities but still true to my introverted nature.I'm certain that with this, I was able to highlight the type of student I was, or better yet, I am. I hope you could relate.