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"Superstitions from Grandma: Shaping my Childhood Beliefs".


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Good day, people of Hive! Welcome to my blog. So let's dive into today's topic.When I was still living with my Grandma with two of my cousins, she filled our head with lot of superstitions that I believed without question which shaped my childhood. So I would love to share with you guys.

The Bedwetting Superstition

One of the most memorable superstition she told us related to bedwetting. My grandma told us that if a child is bedwetting he/she must pee on a hot traditional stove before bed, she claimed that the heat of the stove would prevent the child not to bedwet during the night. As a child who often struggled with bedwetting, I followed her word and advice without questioning her. Anytime I woke up dry I felt relieved and happy thinking it work. However, a night I forgot to pee on the stove, the next day I bedwetted on my mattress I was sad and I complained to my grandma, she told me that it was because I forgot to pee on the stove that's the reason why. Since then I continue to pee on the stove until I grow up and realised that bedwetting was a normal part of childhood, regardless if you pee on the stove or not.

Legs on the wall superstition

Another superstition my grandma told us involved sleeping with a leg on the wall. She told us that if we sleep and put our legs on the wall that it would attract ghosts and witches who would come to harm or beat us. As a child who loved putting her legs on the wall I stopped putting my legs on the wall fearing that their would be consequences of ignoring her advice.


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Leftover food for ghosts superstition

Also, she told us about a meal time superstitions. Anytime our grandma is serving us food in the night she always left a small portion of food in the pot, which led me and my cousins thinking that it was for anyone who is not satisfied with their food. So anytime we asked her that we are not satisfied she will tell us no more food again, and if we asked her about the small portion of food inside the pot she would tell us that it was for the ghosts that visited at night. According to her she said if the ghosts found no leftover, they would be angry and scatter all the house. Not until I grew older that I learned she purposely leave the leftover food for any unexpected guests.

The mortar farting superstition

Lastly, my grandma told us about the superstition about farting inside a mortar. She warned us not to fart inside any mortar or else it would lead to the death of one's parents, which cause fear in us. Not until I realised that it's just a superstition to put fear in us of farting inside mortar, and even, still now my parents are perfectly fine despite of me farting a lot inside mortar.

In conclusion, if I think back with all the superstitions our grandma told us during our childhood days I would start laughing because it was just to put fear in us that's why she was telling us the superstitions.

This is my entry for Hive Naija Weekly Prompt Edition 64

Thanks for reading❤❤❤❤❤.