Still With It's Good Perks...


Take away myths or superstitions from our childhood and a lot of us wouldn't be the responsible people we are today. Among the few things our forefathers did right was creating these superstitions to invoke a level of fear in us. Some of them were just for fun though but the majority of them had to do with preventing us from doing some unreasonable things.

Let's take whistling at night for instance. Whistling is louder than just talking and it can disturb the peace of others at night so it's clear that the myth about whistling at night calling out snake is just to prevent us from disturbing the peace and quiet of the people who have gone out to work all day.

The fun side of it is the itchy palm. I remember being told that whenever your palm itches you, it means money is coming your way... especially the left palm. I have had itchy palms severally but got nothing after so that's just for fun. 🤣😂🤣😂 You go explain tire.

If you leave a child to just do as the child wish, you are definitely creating chaos for the future. This isn't about not giving them freedom or imposing our wishes on them, childhood is a learning stage for every child and we must take that time seriously to help them have a beautiful future so I wouldn't blame our parents for using superstitions to curb many of our bad habits.

I had my share of this superstition thing, it funny how many of us believed them until we came of age when common sense had its way No one is bigger than superstitions, that thing got even the smart kids.

Eating in the dark was prohibited for me but it didn't mean anything to me. I am not talking about total darkness though. Just a reflection of light is okay but that wasn't the case for my parents because they wouldn't accept that from me. At one point, I was told that ghosts invade your privacy when eating in the dark and they dine with you.

Isn't that scary? Eating in the same plate with a ghost... I can't even imagine that and there wasn't any other way to go about it than turning on all the bulbs in the house not just when eating. I turned on the bulb always just to make sure a ghost didn't sleep on my bed, sneak up on me when watching TV and other.

Another superstition is too many hands taking soup from a pot. I was told the consequences of it will make a soup or food get sour quickly. I believed that a lot and even warned people about it not knowing it was just a superstition created by mothers to prevent their children from going to their pots several times.

By the time I knew, I couldn't stop laughing at myself warning people against it. Superstition got me and for some reason, I couldn't get mad at it. There are still people who believe in superstitions and I wouldn't blame them though because the tradition just has to be carried on somehow. Some people still have to keep carrying these superstitions to create fear for the coming generations.

Technology has rendered superstitions useless to an extent but elders will still find their way around it... "You can have new clothes more than the elders but you can't have rags as much as the elders"... They always find a way to use experience and life's situations to carry on the superstitious beliefs.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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