Why do we follow who we follow?

Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. For everything we do, we have a reason for doing it. Most of the time, we do things because we stand to benefit from them, even though we do not enjoy doing them, but we still do them anyway. Joining the hive platform is one of the best things that happened to me, but at first, when I joined, I thought it was a mistake because of how things were, but I started coming across people with great minds and following in their footsteps.

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There are certain people who, following in their footsteps, take you to your desired standards. We all joined the hive platform to strive here, and as a newbie, you might find it difficult to do so, but emulating a few people gives you a chance to strive. I learned that as a newbie, and it has been of great help. We all have a reason for following who we follow; something got us attracted, and we deemed it fit to give them a follow.


I met this great mind sometime last year while the hive zealy campaign was ongoing. His level of engagement was top-notch and acted as motivation for me to keep engaging even when I was tired and felt like giving up. We engaged each other, and we ended up giving each other a follow. He sings too, since I cannot do it and I like to enjoy watching others do it.


A gentle and loving soul, she was one of the first few people I came across when I joined the hive. I never saw the importance of engagement, but she kept emphasizing why one needs to engage, especially if they want to strive on the platform. Her growth rate on the platform was on another level, and it made me believe in the power of engagement. She does it like it's nothing, though she does not do it like she used to, but no one does it better.


This user I met from another decentralized blockchain social media platform stays consistent no matter what. I was always complaining about not getting supported since, as newbies, we rushed to join for the money, not knowing what lay ahead, but he served as a motivator and was constantly giving me the motivation I needed to stay active. He never ran out of motivation despite all my complaints and questions.


A humble man and filled with so much humility that I always tell him he's a mentor worth emulating. He's hardworking; his level of consistency despite achieving such great heights cannot be compared to any other; this shows that he is yet to achieve the standard he is aiming for and is giving it everything he can. Following a person like this will teach a proud person humility.


Another boss that gives anyone listening ears as long as it concerns their growth on the platform; he helped me find my way around on Discord, and I am forever grateful to him. His face might not look like that of a jovial person, but he does jovial things for a living and is also one of the few hardworking and consistent people you can ever come across.

This is a post in response to the Hivenaija community contest. You can join here.

Thanks for reading my post.

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