What my nose has smelled, my brain can not completely process for my mouth to speak.

It all started few years ago when I travelled from Abuja to Imo State for my elder brothers matriculation. Irrespective of the duration, I enjoyed the entire journey as the journey was very comfortable.

The matriculation went as planned. Everyone was very happy. It came o an end and I had to go back to Abuja the next day. Being a person who loves exploring new things no matter the risk involved, I decided not to use the usual company for travelling.

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I decided to travel with an unregistered Hausa-owned travel company. I am igbo, though I can speak hausa because I grew up in the north.

For the records, there are three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. The Hausa, The Yoruba and the Igbo.

The Hausa and igbo have been in constant disagreement. This has led to many dispute include the shariah civil war in 2000 and the miss world that came afterwards.

Being the only igbo in the midst of many Hausa men, I was scared and wanted to quite the trip but didn't because of how stubborn I can be. I risked it to get the experience.

I bought my ticket in the afternoon by 11am hoping to leave by 2pm but my spot was robbed and given to another person. I am not stupid enough to start trouble there, so I respected my self in fearful humility and allowed them rob my spot.

After waiting for a long time, we started the trip by 6:30 to 7pm. I was very patient not to alter a word. I booked the front seat but they wanted to rob it too, so I put up some resistance and I insisted on staying where I booked. They agreed and the journey kicked off.
This was where my problem started. We were two at the front. Me and one other man.

Thirty minutes into the journey, I started perceiving some smell (like sweat that dried in a persons armpit) coming from the back. I played it off, thinking it is a smell that came from outside the bus. This smell continued for the next 10 minutes which made me realize that it is coming from inside the bus.

I started thinking of how I will deal with this smell for the next 7 to 9 hours. My life flashed like a person who is about to die. I started blaming myself for this event.

I found some relief when I stick my head out of the bus but the driver will always pull me back in, not knowing what I am passing through. I am not dumb enough to tell somebody that they smell. Not a Hausa person, knowing fully well that I am the only igbo there. Haha.

I could not keep track of the route they took because of the smell. All I could do was to pray for vindication. Naturally, the olfactory nerve adjusts to a smell after a period of time but this time, my nerve could not adjust. It was like the smell got worst as the time goes by.

After a long while of restricted blood flow to the legs because of tight leg room, smell and other things, we came to a rest at an unknown destination filled with Hausa people. My heart sunk to my stomach and I said it is finished, thinking I am about to be sold. Haha. I maintained my composure and presented myself with confidence but my heart has left my body. Haha.

Everyone came down of the vehicle and I realized that the stop was for the passengers to get some food for themselves and stretch their self as well. I got some relief after this realization and happiness griped me. Fresh air at last. Hahaha

My happiness was short lived when the journey continued 20 minutes after the stop. I went back to my position of inhaling poisonous gases. Haha. After another round of travelling, I got to my destination in one piece.

This was a hell of an experience. I said to my self. Thank God for journey Mercy.

My parent were glad to see me but I refused to tell them the full story. I am that I survived the experience.

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Thank you for reading ☺️

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