Miracles in Everyday Life: My story

I don't know how some people categorize miracles, but personally, I see the gift of life we enjoy daily as a miracle. A lot of things that happen around us that might sound small or insignificant are miracles, as long as we don't have the power of our own to achieve that, but with God's intervention. We don't have to think big before realizing that our lives are full of miracles, and yes, I believe in miracles and in God, and I believe that He works miracles; I have seen and witnessed it countless times; however, there's one I would love to share with you concerning his miracles and wonders in my life.


After giving birth to my first child through surgery, I thought I was done and could take my time to recover. Three weeks in my home, recovering gradually while still nursing my child, I started feeling a big lump in my breast. I was totally sad and, at the same time, didn't fold my hands but returned back to the hospital to have a thorough check by the doctor. On the day I visited the hospital, my gynecologist invited more than 5 doctors to have a closer check before sending me to the lab. After the checks, they all confirmed an oval-shaped lump in my left breast, and I was sent to the laboratory immediately.

They first did a scan on the breast and still took a substance from it to culture for many days. You needed to see how I was tensed during those waiting days for the laboratory results to be out! I was thinking wild and canceling every cancerous tumor in my breast. I lost appetite and couldn't sleep for those waiting days. The D-day came, and I went to get my result. It turned out that the tumor I had was a malignant tumor and not cancerous. I was totally relieved and couldn't contain my joy; however, my doctor said that no kind of tumor is permitted to stay in my breast but should be removed. But then, since I was breasting my child, I should hold on with the surgery until I wean my child.

While at home, my brain was already fixed on doing another surgery on my breast, but then it wasn't what I wanted, even though I was made to understand that it's not the type of surgery that requires complicated procedures. Since I didn't want the surgery anyway, I began to pray and reminded God of his healing and restoration miracles. I reminded God of his promises in the scriptures and asked Him to take away that lump on my breast before the time I was booked for the surgery. For every program that was held in my church back then, I went and couldn't stop praying about my predicament. The call for evangelism—you will see me there. I had a purpose, and I didn't stop talking to God about it. I made the prayers consistently for three months.


At a point, I stopped feeling the lump. I will do self-examination several times, and yet, the oval-shaped lump was nowhere to be found. I couldn't believe it. I was like, Have I received a miracle healing? I went back to my doctor after weaning my child as instructed, and when the same test was conducted on me, I heard congratulations; no kind of tumor can be seen in your breast! Wow, to say that I was excited is an understatement. I was so glad and couldn't stop praising God for such miracle.

Miracles exist, different kinds, and for the many I have witnessed, I realized that God can choose to show mercy to whoever he wants and at his own time. My life is full of miracles; I only shared one out of the many. Finally, your faith matters whenever you are looking up to God for a miracle.

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #septemberinleo monthly topic Day 6.Please check out the prompt to get involved.

Images are mine!!

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