Change Was Only a Wish That Has Yet to be realized.

If you have two kids, two sons, and you like male children, one is good to you and will always come to you to talk to you and stick with you. He likes to rest on your shoulders and spend your money with you.

Some expenses come to me like this; they won't just let me be; they show me that they care and speak to me. Their whispering goes down to my mind; they tell me it's okay, which drives me to make a decision.

Sometimes, I wish that I didn't want them to go away. When I discover that these things are taking away my money unnecessarily, I want to stop but in a short time, I will come back to it.

One of the expenses on my list is junk, I do love to eat plantain chips a lot. Out of all the chips, I like plantain chips more than the rest. I don't mean buying plantain in the market and making the chips by myself, That would have been a strategy of reducing the cost on which I spend on it. I won't be motivated to fry it, It will save me of stress of walking out to get the chips, and also, I don't need to spend every day, I just need to get the plantain once and oil, cooking gas and energy.

That sounds like a good strategy but you won't believe something, the first time I tried it, it was very disgusting, I ended up with a lot of chips mounting up in the tray, heaped up and staring at me but I could not help but look back without taking a shot.

My hunger for it was quenched while I was trying to prepare some for myself. I was not good at it, the plantain chips retained some oil on their body, and they wouldn't dry up easily. I don't like it that way, so I would want to eat what I don't like to eat, it would be a waste.

I prefer to let go of the stress and the strategy and the nice plan, I think.

I like to eat plantain chips so much or fried plantain. I don't like it to be oily though. I do buy from a seller, she is a famous seller in the community where I live. She prepares it and sells it to small shops and retailers that buy from here as well. I chose to buy from her too because it used to be warm and had that freshness in it when I bought it. 1 portion can not satisfy my hunger neither can I buy enough to satisfy my hunger yet each time I get to buy it. I do buy a lot of time if I have the spare cash at hand

What if I don't have it in my budget, I don't think it is worth being in my budget but I do spend a lot of money on it without having to add to my budget. This is one out of them all.

Secondly, there is biscuit but it's only as a substitute for plantain chips and fried plantain. I do crave chocolate biscuits a lot of times, I crave plantain more but chocolate biscuits are not an exception. I like to eat chocolate biscuits in the afternoon. Mainly in the afternoon.

This is my entry for the Hivenaija weekly prompt
[image source](Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash )

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