What I Would Never Do...

There is one thing about how we raise others’ children and how we treat or raise ours. I remember growing up with my aunt, she had a daughter, the way she was raising me was different from how she was raising our daughter.

She treated her with so much love, respect and listening ears but my case was a different thing. That made me feel neglected and I learnt that blood is thicker than water. I know it is not easy raising kids that are not biological related but tearing them how they should be treated is what tells how good a parent one is.

Growing up I saw and experienced so many rigidities. Some are still happening till now but thanks to civilization in so many aspects of child raising. I'm not the type that loves making children feel uncomfortable or whatever.

Your child is with you and she ain't free because this will happen when we get home. A child who would be bad would be bad no matter how you are with him or her and a good child is not because of how rigid you are with her that made her good.


In raising my child, there are certain things I know I will never do. I will never make them feel uncomfortable. Open communication is vital, when there is open communication, everyone feels safe and self expression would be easy. When we make our children feel they can't speak until we want them to speak, the environment becomes unsafe for them, it will be difficult for them to express themselves mostly to their parents.

I have seen a child who gets scolded for every little thing, bitten in every little mistake, no one knew what she had in mind until she ran out of the house. When she was finally found by a group of women, she lied she didn't have parents, it was until they kept persuading her that she told the truth about her parents. I personally do not believe in raising a child like she's in a military base. It's not bad to use cane on a child but not when it's not necessary.

Another thing is I will never make them value material things over necessities. The habit of kids spending quality time on things like video games, phones without time to have a good time with others and on their books is alarming.

Another thing that is very common that I can never do is choosing a path for my kids. Enforcing them to go for my aspirations for them is what I will never do. It's better I encourage them to go for whatever they feel they are good at instead of making it look like their own dream isn't relevant.

My dream child raising would center on trying my best to bring up God fearing children in a way they will feel loved and become the best version of themselves.

               THE END

I AM @marynn,
. 🌹

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