On Angel's Wings!

Life is full of mysteries which beat human imagination and understanding. Amongst these mysteries is one which has been argued about from generations past till today concerning its realism, and it's none other than the concept of Miracle.

Miracles can be a very personal experience and have different meanings for different people. I would say that anything, event or experience that makes you feel grateful, happy, or inspired is a kind of miracle, even if it doesnโ€™t seem like a supernatural event.

I'm aware that some do not believe in miracles maybe because of religion or other factors. Miracles are real and they happen every single day, both in little and big ways.

Just the way I believe in the omnipotent God, is same way I believe in miracles and nothing can change that. My strong belief in miracles stems from the fact that not only have I experienced it, I've heard about it and equally seen it happen countless times.
First off, life is a miracle - my life, your life, that of our loved ones, friends and every living being is a miracle. We all see this miracle happen every day by day and it will continue till the end of time.

And here my miracle story....

I published a post here about how my the neighborhood I lived while growing up was terrorized by thieves. They operated in the dead of the night and each day, they'll map out a compound to raid, cart away valuable properties and molest young females. Any resistance or refusal to act according to their commands will land you in regret.
The night they robbed us would have been my end, sort of. I was already asleep but in my sleep it was as if I was hearing some voices outside so I woke up, peeped through the window and there they were, four of them,males, armed. Fear gripped me and I tiptoed to my parent's room. They too had woken up having heard them. I and mom were already in tears and dad tried calming us, saying that we'll all be safe while contemplating on what to do.

The next thing we heard was a bang on the door followed by "Open this door now or I'll break it".

None of us moved, I was shaking, fear written all over me and silently praying for them not to break in because the door was a wooden one and had no iron protector. Another bang, the door gave way and they came in. They made their way to where we were and commanded us to lie faced down. We obeyed and they started operation. One of them told me to get up and move to God knows where. The other one said "Boss, take am easy o" and gave a wicked laugh.

I obeyed and moved towards the direction he asked me to but hearing the guy's comment, I starting thinking of a plan. After taking few steps I summoned up courage and did the unthinkable. I bolted straight into the next room. Infact my action caught him off guard and by the time he rushed in, I was already hidden in the closet.

He called out to me but hearing no response he started searching for me. He looked under the bed, behind the door, curtain, the closet but didn't find me. He told me to come out gently else he'll deal with me if he ever finds me but I heeded him not. I was silently praying he doesn't find me.
My parents were held under gun point so couldn't do anything. Infact when the guy told me to get up, they made to protest but was threatened to stay quiet else dem go collect.

Back to the room, the thief was fuming with anger, threatening lime and brimstone while searching for me. One of them joined him and even asked if he was sure about my entering the room to which he affirmed. He, the second guy, checked the window, it was locked. He came to the closet, searched, nothing. One surprising thing was he even touched me in the process and thought that I was a heap of cloth. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was just seeing their surprised and confused faces from my hideout.

The first thief said "This one strange o". The other one replies "Bros, you sure say this girl no be winch. See as she enter room miss. Thank God for you o"

Hearing that I almost laughed out loud but held myself and only chuckled. Immediately the one outside gave signal to them and they all moved out, with their loots.

The thought of what I would have gone through in the hands of that thief shook me but what weakened me was their failure to find me. It was indeed strange just like the robber said because how would someone be in an open closet with just few clothes and wouldn't be seen? Like he very sure that I was no where else but in that room and hidden right inside that closet because I couldn't have escaped from the window since it was locked neither did l I develop wings and flew away.? How also would someone not know the difference between touching a cloth, and a body?

If this wasn't a miracle, what else would you call it?. God saw my plight and showed me a way of escape. Not only that, He sent a guardian angel who kept me safe from the robbers and equally covered their eyes to see only clothes in the closet. Na God really run am for me.

I leave you with this song

In The Hollow Of His Hands


Thank you for reading.

Still the #threadsaddict ๐Ÿ˜‚

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