My experience with Miracles, a testimony of Faith

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My experience with Miracles, a testimony of Faith


Miracles are a religious topic, that some believe, others do not. A few days ago I saw a publication of the friend @yolimarag and I decided to look at the subject and the truth is that I share the position of ensuring that miracles do exist.

Today I want to share with you a totally true story. I had never experienced a miracle; I simply said I believe in a god who can do anything, however I had never been in a situation where I could lose a loved one.

This episode happened in 2017, when I am presented that my husband starts with severe headaches. For a moment I thought it was something viral, since in those days there were many viruses in the environment. The truth is that the pains did not go away with any treatment and the vomiting started. At this point the thing started to generate a lot of anguish and I immediately took her to the doctor. I remember they sent a very strong analgesic and even so, the pain did not improve. That day I spent the night very bad, and I took to the emergency room, where they indicated a tomography. To my surprise, the doctor called me aside and told me that my husband had a cerebral hemorrhage and his life was in danger.

At that moment I was in shock, I could not cry so that he would not see me. I had to act quickly so that he would be okay. That same day he was transferred to the clinic and was admitted to intensive care. I remember the diagnosis was not encouraging at all, and they told me, he might not be here tomorrow. Very cruel doctors. However, something inside me felt that my husband would get better.


Three days went by and they told me that my husband was getting complicated; then I could not take it anymore, I felt like I was fading away. I remember going into a chapel that is in the clinic, I knelt down and my children, who were small, were going through my mind. The truth is, in my desperation, I began to pray; and I said may your will be done, my God. I did not want to see my husband suffer.

We spent 5 days in that clinic, on the 6th day he was transferred to another clinic because they were going to enbolize him, which is to stop with a spring where the hemorrhage comes from.


That day they started the treatment through the orta vein, and when they reached his brain they realized that the arteries were fine and there was no bleeding. There was no need for enbolization. The doctor came out and told me, there is a reason why I am here today, your husband is a miracle.

From that day on I knew that faith is not wanting God to fulfill what we want, but rather to accept what he wills. Miracles do exist and my husband is a testimony of faith. It has been 8 years since those 7 days that were the hardest I have ever lived. And I can say that my husband is healthy and did not have any after-effects.

I also have a very close neighbor, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and today she is healthy, her tumor disappeared. For a miracle to exist, you have to have a lot of faith. There is a reason why they say that faith moves mountains.

This is my story and my experience with miracles, I take this opportunity to invite @Luzscarllet18

I say goodbye and I will see you next time.
Photographs are my property
Translator used Deelp



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