Piercing Bellybutton... Why do people do it?

Not participating in last week Hive Naija Prompt might make me sick because it is a topic I am very interested in but not engaging on Hive is beyond my power. I will share me entry even if it is late.

There are lots of things I find abnormal out there, some of them are just inevitable while we can do without some but many people still choose to do. I said some are inevitable because sometimes people do them without knowing that they are silly. For instance, I have seen someone scratch their bum on the road and do so many funny things.

These things happen very fast, some people get carried away and just do those silly things but some people do things that I question but no one seems to have the right answer for me.


I have seen a lot of bodywork in terms of tattoos, piercing and others, I don't have issues or faults with them. Many would say they did it to beautiful or express themselves, boost their confidence, keep memories and so many other reasons which can be.

I find some of these things cool but one of these things bothers and I don't know why people do it. It's understandable when you draw tattoos in places where people can't see like your stomach, back or thighs. It might be for memory's sake as I mentioned earlier but how do we explain piercing the belly button?

My mom pierced my ear as a baby which is not and according to what she said, I don't like using earrings and my dad didn't allow them force it on me. The ear eventually blocked and I had to do another one when I became a teenager, I wanted it so I went for it.

If not for my aunt's intervention, I might have pierced only one ear but the pain was unbearable. Immediately the tool they were using punch the ring into one of my ears, everywhere went blank and I just told them I won't be doing the other ear.

My aunt told me that the other one won't hurt like the first one so I endured the pain but I can't forget how it felt.

The first time I saw a ring on the belly button, I didn't believe it. I thought it was a clip or something the person just attached temporarily until someone told me that it is real.

I had to go check online and saw the video of how it was done. It was just a video but I was shivering.

Like how do you sit and a small iron rod will go through the top into the bellybutton and out on the other end. I didn't believe people can endure such pain and I thought about why they are doing such but didn't find an answer.

It definitely doesn't add to your beauty because no one is seeing it except you and probably your husband. So why do it when you still have to cover it with your clothes?

I can't comprehend the reason and nothing justifies it. People will always have a reason to back up their actions and I haven't seen even a false reason that justifies piercing the belly button, I hope someone can shed more light on this in the comment section.

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